Trina's Suicide || TRIGGER WARNING ||

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A/N; Surprise surprise, it's me again. I never actually shut up, lmao. This is an extra chapter explaining the reasons as to why Trina committed suicide, and a bit of an insight into her thoughts before hand, hence why there is a trigger warning, not only in the title, but also at the beginning of the chapter. If you get triggered by mentions of suicide, and self harm, then please, I implore you, DO NOT read on.



I stood there, in a daze, the time was creeping by, the breeze blowing my hair in front of my face. The longer I looked out at the scene before me, I took in more details of what I was staring at. The rail track was never ending, but I didn't plan to see the end. I was stood here, on the edge, willing to jump, planning to jump. The noose tied around my neck and the other end tied to the bridge itself. I have to do this, I have to. Everyone is better off without me. I just mess everything up..

I hadn't always felt this way, I used to be happy. It had all began the moment that I started at THAT school. The feelings, the emotions, the self harm. Everything.. I was currently studying at a school called Hollywood Arts, it's a school for talented people, but everyone there seemed to love bitching and whining, saying how they didn't think I should be at the school because I'm "not talented", saying to each other they all think I should "quit".

I had only started feeling this way, since the conversation I had overheard a few months back. When I say "feeling this way", I mean my plan for my suicide had only just formed after I had heard this conversation.


I walked into the Black Box theater and I stopped the moment I heard voices, and I heard my name. I stood off to the side, as next to the door was a curtain, so I hid behind that.

I listened intently as Jade spoke.

"Dude, Trina's not even talented. What is she doing at this school?"

Jade huffed out and sat down on Cat's lap, they were dating around this time.

"I know. She should quit."

Beck suddenly spoke up. I felt like someone had punched me in the throat, and stabbed me in the heart. Beck was supposed to be my best friend, but he was here, chatting shit about me. Gossiping, back stabbing me..

I ran out of the theatre and ran home, not wanting the tears to fall as I picked up my trusty blade, and went over old scars. The blood looked so right, and it hurt so good.


And that's why I'm here. Well, that and my baby sister, Tori. Recently, me, a boy from my school called Andre and Tori had been practising. Me and Andre were practising, Tori was there to help. Eventually she managed to learn all of my lines, learn the choreography and the songs, and I realised that this day would be perfect.

I looked down at my watch, 5:58pm, they'll have figured out I'm a no show by now, and have sent Tori on in my place. I'm doing this for her.

She has so much talent, but no one ever gets to see it. All of the attention is diverted away from her, by me. Sometimes, I wish I hadn't been the bitch that I am, and that I had been nice to everyone, but no one's perfect, I never had the attention from anyone when I was little. After I was born, Tori came along. Everyone paid attention to her, the newest kid in the family.

I quickly wrote out my note with shaky hands.

I'm sorry. Mom. You were always proud of Tori, but never of me. Dad. You were never around to see that I had problems. And Tori, my beautiful sister, Tori. You were always more talented than me. I love you. Goodbye.

I set the note down, and set my phone ontop of it so that the wind wouldn't blow it away. I took a deep breath.

Goodbye cruel world...

I jumped, and that was the day, I learnt how to fly.


And with that, Trina Vega was no more. Her neck snapped instantly from the force. Some passerbys stopped their car when they noticed the rope and called the police. Trina was dead. No one could bring her back.

News travelled to the Vega's after the talent show. Tori's mom blamed her. Tori couldn't cope, and pretty soon she took to using the blade, just like her sister had.

It was how she coped with the pain. Now she's up there, in heaven, watching down on her baby sister, praying she'll be safe.

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