Chapter 16

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This is going to be a nice chapter!Please sit right and enjoy!❤️😊

I sighed as we sat there in silence."Hurry!"I heard the people saying."Bring out the knife!"Fear washed over me as I heard a drilling noise like a jackhammer.Seriously,what were they doing out there?! I looked at my hands sadly as I thought about the past." left..years ago.."Tadase stared at me as I started talking."I felt so empty..and I didn't have any other friends.No,I didn't make any."
"Why not?"I bit my lip.
"I was scared.Scared that..that the same thing would happen again.I would hurt them,and they would leave."I sighed."Amu-chan,have you ever heard the saying,'Whatever's in the past,stays in the past'?"he asked.I nod slowly."That's kind of what it's like.You really think you would have a friend that will get hurt and blame you again,for the second time of your life?"he said.I wasn't so sure so I shrugged."If they are real friends,they will forgive you."."What about you?"I asked."I..forgave you was too late.."he said softly."Everyone will think of me as a gangster..even though I'm not even close to being one."I Sighed."Which they already think."I added.
"No one would want to protect me because they think I'm tough and I can handle any situation.."I said quietly.There was a pause for a few minutes until Tadase said," one will protect you..then I will."
I blushed as he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze."B-But..why?"I asked."Because you're actually..really kind,caring and beautiful.Someone like you doesn't deserve this."he smiled as my face grew redder and redder."What I'm saying is..I love you."
"Ohh....."Ran said while the others awed.My face turned super red,if possible as I stared at him.I then broke into a smile."This was what I wanted,the first time I saw you again."I said.Suddenly,we heard a crash and we both jumped."Where are they?!"we heard Yaya yell."Gahh..."the scientists(I guess)stammered."W-We don't know what you're talking about!"the girl said trembling."Be honest!I know you captured those two people somewhere!"Yaya barked.Ran flew out the square that was open and in front of Yaya."Yaya!!"Ran shouted."Ran-tan!!"Yaya said."They're in their.."she pointed at the wall separating us.We stood up and I noticed something.A door knob.A friggin(pardon the language.)DOOR KNOB."That!Was there the whole time?!"Kiseki shouted annoyed.Tadase turned the knob and the door opened."And it was UNLOCKED?!"Kiseki shouted again."Are you serious?!"Miki crossed her arms."Well,at least they got to confess their feelings to each other~desu!"Su Said cheerfully as I blushed."Lets just...get out of here."Tadase said.I nodded and reached for the door knob to push the door open.Turns out,we both reached out for the knob and our hands touched.We blushed smiling at each other.The door opened and standing in front of us were Yaya,Kukai,and Nadeshiko."H-Hey!"

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