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"Lucy McCallium. 28. I'm here to report against Lucas Oleander in the charges of him hitting me numerous times and cheating with another woman behind my back when we were still in a relationship. And having sexual intercourse with an underage girl without her consent. I saw him with my own eyes three months ago when I was coming back from college. I apologize for not taking actions immediately but I wasn't in the right state of mind."

I watched Lucy explain the ugly things that that sinner has done to the police officer sitting in front of her with a disgusted look on his face as he probably thought how can a person even convince himself for doing such things even though he almost everyday had to deal with crime like these. He was a human after all.

"We're glad that you came here to us before it was too late, miss. We assure you that we'll make him pay for everything he did. I promise you that." He said with a determination so strong it could almost be felt in the air. It brought immense satisfaction to me and Lucy as we glanced at each other with a satisfied smile on our faces.

"Thank you. Thank you very much, officer." She said with tears shining in her eyes. My heart burned. But it was over now. The horrible chapter of our both's life was finally over now.


"Mam, boss is in the office, would you like me to drive you up to the company. Are you okay with that?" Ali informed as soon as we exited the Police station.

"No, tame me there. But can we please drop Lucy home first?" I asked gently. His intimidating but gentle gaze glanced at Lucy standing by me for a brief moment before nodding making his dark long hair bounce on his head.

"Sure, mam." He turned back to the car moving with a grace which with a huge body like his shouldn't have and opened the door for me and Lucy. Once he was sure we were safely settled on the back seat together, he made his way to the driver's seat and drove to Lucy's apartment.

"You know that I love you right?" I was taken aback from her sudden question but chose to answer anyway.

"I know, Lu. I love you too." I placed an arm around her shoulders to squeeze her into a comforting embrace as she eyed the blur view of the city lights. It was seven in the evening.

"You know that you're the only one left whom I can call family, too?" Her voice came out wavering which stabbed me in the guts. I saw from the corner of my eye Ali occasionally glancing in the mirror and for some reason I thought he was feeling pity for Lucy even his face looked he was a robot. Sculpted and serious and all that.

"We are each other's family, Lu. I'll always be here. I'll always be here for you. And Taehyung. And the boys." I gently grabbed her head and moved it to face me and hugged her tightly. Wishing that she could feel safe in my embrace. Hoping she could feel she's forever safe with me.

She hugged me back and for the first time that day we didn't cry when in a vulnerable situation. Our hearts were finally feeling light with a huge weight being lifted off of them. We couldn't ask for anything more.

After another fifteen minutes her apartment finally came into view and the car came to a halt.

"Are you sure again? We can still go to my place, you know." I'd been insisting her to stay with me and Taehyung for tonight but she think she'll disturb me and Taehyung and she knows I'm not going to hesitate kicking Taehyung out of our very own room to spend time watching Disney movies with Lu in the comfort of our bed. So she kept refusing.

"No, Em. I've already explained the reason to you and besides I'd like to have some time alone. And yeah, don't worry, I'm not suicidal." She rolled her eyes as she said the words that made my breath get caught in my throat.

"Lu. Shut up." I somehow managed those three words to pass down my thought.

"Calm down, silly. I'm going to be alright. I promise and now good night. I'll see you on Monday." She patted my back before hugging me. I hugged her back and bid her goodbye.

All the way back to the company was filled with the silent roars of the car's wheels from the open window to my left. I sat on the passenger's seat now that Lucy has been driven off. I looked over at Ali occasionally. I wasn't stupid. I knew he had a thing for Lucy. Every time Lucy would stop by us, I often noticed Ali glancing at her. He would even offer driving her off to her home when she would come in the evening. Ali was a good man. I had been with him quite enough to get to know him. He's a great guy with even greater sense of humour but only when he was with me, Taehyung or the boys. Ali used to belong to a poor family. His father was a gambler. He would sacrifice everything in the house whenever he lose, It shouldn't be a surprise to you that he almost sold Ali in a auction where Taehyung was invited years ago. Taehyung had to only take a look at him to see he was willing to do everything who raised him even it meant himself being sold off. So, Taehyung bought him. I know that sounds sick but believe me when I say that Tae had ben nothing but a great brother-like figure for Ali. Taehyung practically raised him even though they were almost the same age with Taehyung being just a year older than Ali. As of his mother, Ali hated her. He believed that if his mother cared about her family he and his father would be on different situations now. Her mother was always only focused on kitty parties and having sex with any human out there. Any.

Ali needed someone other than us who'd be able to be by his side forever and love him to fill in the void in his heart. I hoped Lucy would be it.

We finally arrived at the company. It was twelve past eight at night which meant today was something important in the company or Tae would had been home two hours earlier. Ali opened the door for and threw a wicked wink my way. I returned hid gesture with a deadly glare which was deadly only I believed but it always made Taehyung give in to everything I say to him.

"I believe it would be hard for you to tame him today, Ranisa." Ranisa, which he told me that it meant queen in Hindi. He always called me that.

"When it has not been?"

"Fair enough. Good luck, Ranisa." He said as we entered the elevator to the very top floor of the enormous building. Ali stood by my side with his chest puffed out. Just because I couldn't help it, I slapped his boobs.

"What was that for, Ranisa?" He was more shocked than irritated.

"Your boobs looked inviting." I teased him. He made a face then went back to his usual scowling expression.

"I'll just believe you didn't just called my chesticle, boob." He said making me snicker loudly.

"You know boobs sound way more natural than...that." I said making him scoff. I glared at his side profile.

"I will stick with chesticle no matter what you say, Ranisa- wait!" He suddenly looked at me with an expression mixed in horrified and amused.

"Do you call boss's chesticles boobs too?" He asked making me want to smack him back into his statue phase.

"Shut up, Ali." I said putting an end to the conversation we were having. Of course I didn't called his chest parts female names out loud. It would be such a turn-off.

A ding was resonated making Ali to catch his breath from all the laughing he has been doing and snap back into his professional mode.

We exited the elevator and walked to meeting room. I had a feeling that Taehyung wasn't with the boys but I wanted to meet them first to calm my frantically beating heart.

Ali opened the door for me to enter before entering himself. There was no one in the room. It was shocking that they weren't here. I was pretty sure only Taehyung and few of his men were in the company other than me and Ali. I turned to him and nodded my head. He nodded back as he got the sign that I was to be with Taehyung now.

I walked out of the room just to enter the room in the very end of the hall.

Oh Lord, save me today.

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