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Comfort chain - Instupendo

0:56 --•-------- 3:04

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After some steamy time together we both made it back to home around midnight. It wouldn't have taken us that long to reach but I was in the mood of a night drive. Obviously he refused saying I was tired after he fucked-me-rough and needed rest. I just had to give him those puppy eyes while getting in his face and, oops, he cracked.

We roamed through the city till late almost forgetting we had a home to go back to. Both laughing, talking, sharing our secrets which we already knew all over again just to feel that special bond between us. Just to feel how the boundaries we had put up around us for other people were literally non-existent for each other. We were one. By all the ways possible.

Taehyung got out of the car and came to my side to open my door. My body stayed limp on the passenger seat as I made no movements to get up. He bent down slightly just so his head could enter the car and kept his one arm on the open door and the other on the hood of the car. He simply stared at my face intensely like the creep he is.

"Why don't you ever question and just stare? Don't you find anything weird at all?" I asked out of the utter curiosity while not opening my eyes.

"Nothing about you is weird to me. If anything, then it's fascinating. And I love you stare at the most beautiful thing in the whole damn world," he said while, I was sure, not blinking his eyes even once and with an emotionless face he added, "who would want to ever miss it."

"Sometimes I wonder how you're a CEO or mafia and shit and not an author. You know I'd love to read those philosophical things you'd write in your books. It'd be a huge win for me." I said. I wouldn't say I wasn't saying the truth though.

"You know my every word is for you, darling. You only ever have to say the word and I'd write a whole damn bible of your praisings.'

God Damn.

"At least now I know what exactly Lucy means whenever she says she's jealous of me because I have you as my boyfriend. You're perfect Kim Taehyung."

He didn't say anything. He remained silent. It was almost as if he wasn't even there. But then I felt a feather-like touch on the side of my face.

"But I sometimes think that you deserve better, my darling." He said.

My heart broke.

I swore to take that thought out of his very existence. He was all that I'd ever need. He was all I ever deserved. He was my life.

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