Chapter 3: Balcony

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The glowing staff sounded like it was charging up but it clinked against Tony's chest making the room go still. Mimic arched an eyebrow and started giggling softly while tony raised his drink to his lips , Loki looked severely confused while he tried again,

"This usually works," he said, confused, raising his eyebrow at the staff.

"Well...Performance issues... not uncommon" Tony said looking over his shoulder to Mimic who was giggling again. Loki seemed to be more infuriated by her amusement, "One out of Five..." Tony started when Loki grabbed him by the throat. Mimic jumped forward quickly to help him. Loki threw him across the room and he slid along the floor slightly talking to himself as he tried to stand. Mimic moved in and Loki pointed the staff at her as he walked towards Tony,

"You will all fall before me" he growled, grabbing Tony again by the throat as he looked over at Mimic . Loki moved his eyes to the woman while Tony was yelling Deploy at something , she was very unsure. A slight scream left her lips as Tony was violently chucked through the window towards the ground. There was a whirling behind her as jets engaged and something shot out of the wall past her and Loki. It flew out towards Tony hitting Loki hard in the process. Loki on the ground had dropped the staff and she took this moment to move. Her feet carried her towards Loki and spun, knocking the staff farther away from him .

"Mewling Quim!" he yelled as his body duplicated into four versions of himself. She stared at them cautiously and smirked as her clones charged the forms watching them fade.

"Ohh cute... Illusions...come on magic man" she said slowly watching her mask form over her face. Loki stood slowly across from her and moved his eyes from her to the staff, she did the same and they both ran for it at the same time. Her body dropped to the floor to slide reaching for the staff, as her fingers were about to wrap around it she felt Loki's grasp on her leg yanking her across the room where she slammed into a wall. His hand snatched the staff and as he turned he looked at Iron Man suit rising in the window,

"And there's one other person you pissed off...his name was Phil '' Tony said firmly before the beam from his hand smashed Loki in the chest, throwing him across the room. Tony looked towards Mimic, "You good double trouble" he yelled drawing a smirk on her lips as she pushed herself up feeling her skin on her wrist and lip stitching back together. She gave him a thumbs up when they felt the building tremble ,

"Go Iron ...Go" she yelled watching him fly up towards the roof leaving her alone with his royal pain in the ass laying on the floor trying to catch himself back up.

"Right...Army" she said to herself while Loki rose to his feet.

"They have come...there is no stopping them now" Loki said firmly as he turned to look at her.

"Ladies... Help the bucket..." She said to her clones who ran towards the balcony and leaped from it landing on passing alien crafts fighting the creatures on board. If her clones died part of her would hurt yes, but the benefit of being able to heal herself added a comfort for her. Her eyes never left Loki,

"You can't win this you know" she said as he watched the clones with surprise. Solid creatures from her are not illusions...not a witch he noted in his mind. His face slowly turning back to the original.

"It doesn't matter...once started it can't be stopped...I can't be stopped" he yelled at her angrily.

"I've heard that before," she said softly, preparing herself to fight him. Clint's one rule was to stay away from the staff. Loki charged her and she brought her folding staff out of her belt and swung it around catching his wrist and locking around his staff throwing it towards the bar. Loki yelled angrily and lashed out at her. She was surprised with his strength as he smashed her across the face knocking her into the ground, "Don't go down...Don't give in" she repeated in her head as she brought her fist up hitting him in the sternum and placing one hand on the ground. Mimic threw herself into a handstand wrapping her legs around his neck and punched him in the face. Locked between her thighs he grabbed onto her waist with his bare hands making her let out a scream at the sudden shocking cold on her exposed skin. She flew off him as he threw her against the wall again and looked down at his hands for a split moment. On her waist were black and purple burns in the shape of his hands, he registered this for a moment seeming conflicted before he turned grabbing his staff from the bar. His eyes looked at her again before he walked to the balcony forming a golden helmet on his head with two large horns angled backwards.

Her body had already begun the work of healing her skin but these were bad and it would take her a moment of healing as she pushed herself to her feet. She heard a loud thud and an overly muscled blondie with a red cape landed yelling at Loki. They were arguing and she was only catching bits of it. Suddenly Loki leaped from his platform and attacked the other man, they were swinging staff and hammer towards each other in angered yells. A blast from the staff was knocked away by the other man's hammer and took out the lettering on the building. She was slightly concerned for the people under the building but there was nothing she could do to help them. Her body immediately shielded itself in camouflage to the wall behind her as she leaned on it, unless you looked very closely she was hard to spot.

The sounds of screaming and fighting filled the air of the city, it made her cringe as she tried to avoid what appeared to be lightning blasts and beams from the staff darting through the room. Her eyes looked over the fighting pair on the balcony to see Nat and Clint's Jet blow past following Tony which meant they had finally made it thankfully. Mimic suddenly regretted chucking the earpiece knowing she would hear about it later. Her eyes darted to the sound of smashing glass as she saw Loki throw the other man into the ground.

Clint's jet turned around to fire upon the pair and Mimic screamed loudly when she saw Loki lower his staff on the jet, her scream drew his eyes away for a moment as his blast hit the wing instead of the cockpit. He glared at her that she had made him miss his chance, this gave the other man time to balance and throw himself into Loki knocking them both to the ground. She ran out onto the ledge to see what had happened to the jet as the pair were fighting. It spun wildly and out of control and flew behind some buildings causing her to lose track of it. Her eyes quickly turned on the pair fighting in anger as she heard a terrible roar.

Turning to look at the sky above her , she almost lost her mind at what she saw. Giant hole in the sky opened larger to release some kind of flying behemoth of a creature that had more creatures leaping off of it. She groaned angrily as more clones spawned replacing the ones that had died. They began throwing themselves off onto passing crafts and disposing of the creatures before flying towards the ground to help. She felt weaker as her hands gripped tightly to the railing, "Twenty...come on...five more" she muttered to herself as she strained with the last few clones watching them regard her for a moment before jumping.

"Look at this..." She yelled beside her as her blurry vision registered the two fighting men at a stand still. "Look around you.." the blonde man was yelling, "You think this madness will end with your rule?" he asked, pushing Loki to the edge. Loki's eyes moved around the city and the sky before coming to settle on her behind his brother.

"It's too late..." he said towards her then moved back to his brother, "It's too late to stop it" he said shaking his head.

"No...we can... together" the blonde said hopefully. Mimic rolled her sore eyes because even she could see through that play. She tried to push herself up as Loki smirked and stabbed the blonde in the stomach making him cry out. There was a heavy sound of a thud on the ground as the hammer dropped between them, Loki's hand readjusted on the staff as he looked towards Mimic.

"Sentiment..." he growled before he began to walk towards her with the staff at the ready. The Blonde's body rose up slamming into Loki before he got close and threw him into the glass. Mimic watched in surprise as Loki was lifted into the air then slammed violently back onto the ground. Loki didn't even look her way as he rolled off the balcony and plunged over the side leaving her partially blind and the blonde looking over the edge.

"Hey...blondie...little help" she said to the angry looking man before her. His eyes registered her and he leaned down carefully to help her back to her feet as he moved the fabric to regard her burns. He reached over to his side to pull out the small dagger in his flesh,

"You've been badly wounded...Is my brother the cause of this" he asked in a voice much too loud for her liking.

"It's a flesh wound.. " she said firmly, pushing the fabric back down. She knew that her healing was momentarily faulted because she had already stretched herself so thin with the clones. " Brother ..." she asked him, raising an eyebrow past her cracked open mask.

"He's...Adopted" the man said nodding, "I am Thor...god of lightning" he said to her as they moved towards his hammer.

"Explains a lot" she said, waving to the destroyed area around them.

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