3. She probably hates me

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Diana had arrived in the early morning, so even though she really wanted to sleep, she felt like it would be rude when she had just arrived, so she only unpacked her few dresses and things in her new room, which was way bigger and more cozy than her own back home. When she was done she quickly checked herself in the mirror making sure that her hair wasn't a mess before exiting her room to look for the royals.

She quickly got lost in the extravagant castle but she didn't mind, she was just admiring the beautiful decor of the halls. Eventually she was found by a leopard guard. The leopard introduced herself as Ava and offered to be Diana's guide.

"The castle is quite large so it will probably take some time before you will know your way around, but you will figure it out I'm sure." The leopard was trying to make small conversation with the princess. Diana was more comfortable around "non-royalty" and made an effort to appear friendly to the guard, even though she was terrified. The leopard could kill her in an instant if she had wanted to, and that is all that Diana could think about.

When they had finished a tour around the castle, which Diana would probably completely forget everything about where everything was anyways, they stopped at the dining hall where the kings and queens were about to have lunch.

"We would have understood if you had wanted to sleep after your journey, but I'm glad you decided to join us for lunch today." Susan said as they sat down at the large table covered in delicacies that Diana had never seen before. It all smelled delicious, and the princess' stomach started growling, to which she quickly apologized, flustered with bright red cheeks. The royals just laughed, and joked that it was probably good that they were eating now.

As they were eating Diana glanced around the table, and noticed that the raven haired king was barely eating, and he had a frown on his face. He reminded her of her older brother, who was the only boy out of her and her three sisters. He always had the same sour expression when he looked at her, and the only attention she ever got from him was when he bullied her.

Edmund glanced up at her and she quickly averted her gaze, focusing on her food.

Oh no, is he mad at me? Did I stare too long at him? Does he hate me now?

Diana's mind went in a downward spiral, but was interrupted when the youngest queen spoke to her with bright enthusiasm. "Diana, we should go to the market tomorrow, and get you some new dresses, you would look so good in the Narnian dresses!" Diana smiled the first genuine smile since she had arrived. The young queen had such a contagious enthusiasm that it was hard not to smile around her.

"That sounds lovely, but i don't have any money." She answered, still using her monotone voice as she was used to around royals. The eldest queen waved a dismissive hand. "Oh don't worry about that, we will get it for you as a welcome gift. And you are about to be family after all." She said with a gentle smile.

Diana protested. "But your majesty, I cannot accept such a gift, it is too much, I still have dresses that I can wear." Diana was not used to receiving anything from anyone, especially new things.

"What like that old worn dress you are wearing?" Edmund asked sarcastically. Diana was hurt, it wasn't her fault that her father only gave her sister's old dresses to her. And this was her nicest one. Susan kicked the king under the table. "Ow!" Edmund exclaimed. She gave him a pointed look. And he looked as if he had just realized what he had said.

"Sorry." Diana received a half hearted apology from the king as he glanced at her quickly looking away again. "Oh don't worry about it, really there is nothing to apologize for." Diana said, giving her best smile.

The rest of the meal continued in an awkward silence, and as soon as they had all finished Diana excused herself saying that she was tired from the journey and would retire for the day.

"Will you not have dinner with us then?" Lucy asked a little disappointed. Susan came to the princess' rescue. "Now Lu, the princess is tired from the long journey, we should let her rest. Your dinner will be delivered to your room." Diana gave the High Queen a grateful smile thanking her as she left, following Ava back to her room.

She plopped down on her king sized bed when she had closed the door behind her. She squeezed her unicorn plushie in her arms, and wished that her mother had been there to comfort her.

After a while she sat up and took out her leather bound sketch book and a stump of what had once been a pencil and walked out on her balcony. It always calmed her down to draw, and the view of the Narnian landscape from her balcony was too beautiful to not look at.

She had sat sketching for a while when she heard someone clear their throat. She jumped and almost dropped her pencil. She looked around to see King Edmund standing on a balcony that was next to hers. She quickly stood and curtsied. "I'm sorry your majesty, I will leave." She said, assuming that he didn't want her there because she was bothering him.

"No wai-" The King started but she had already left before he could stop her. The King sighed.

What an idiot you are Edmund, come on it shouldn't be that hard just to be polite. Yeah she might be the dullest person you have ever met, and you have to marry her, but the poor girl can't do anything about that.

Edmund scolded himself. He had been staring at her for a while before he had made his presence known to her, and he had noticed how she had tensed up when she heard him.

She probably hates me...

He thought to himself, promising to himself that he would do better next time.

The Golden Age - Narnia fanfiction (Edmund x oc)Where stories live. Discover now