The options

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'' Hello Miss Dunbar, hi Anna'', the principal says with her usual fake smile. Honestly, I always hated this bitch. Couldn't tell you why tho.

'' Have you had the chance to talk to her about why we are here today Miss Dunbar?'' She says

''No, I thought it would be better if we did it all three of us '' My mom responds in the most gentle way

They make me sit in a chair and I peak at the papers in front of them. I knew it, new schools.

Miss Principal take a breath and starts her undeniably long course:'' Anna we believe no other institutions in this town will be willing to take you. You seriously lack discipline and no other school here has the ability to teach you order and respect. That's why we are sending you to a private school, across the country, who's speciality is in teaching troubled teenagers like you. As we know this is gonna be a big change for you, in result we are letting you the choice of 4 institutions. Number one and two are girls only schools in Toronto, number two is a also a girls only school in ottawa, Number three is a mixed school in which you will share a dorm room with a boy or a girl, it is located in Vancouver and Number four is in montreal, we would have to find you a familly to live with. What do you choose?''.

Even tho I'm in shock they are flying me across the country, it isn't that big of a deal as I kind of see it as a vacation. I don't know if they truly believe these special schools will tame me but I'm ready to cause trouble wherever I'll go, bring it on.

The only respectable choice here is number three. I mean sharing a room sounds hella fun and It will be easier to make a new friend, or so I believe.

''I am choosing school number three, when do I have to leave?'' I ask with a smirk to piss them off.

''Tomorrow Anna, You're leaving tomorrow'', My mom says.

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