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**Authors note before starting:
Hey guys! This is gonna be in Thom's POV for the first time, please lemme know how you like it and If I should do it more:)**

Thom's POV

As me, Anna, Cass and Louis makes our way to the entrance of the museum, I can't help but stare at her.
She doesn't let anyone see the real side of her, the one I can see so clearly. They all believe her to be this unbothered girl, who has everything under control. Well, thats what the mask she puts on everyday shows, but I know different.

She's fragile
But wicked.

And I have known the second I laid my eyes on Anna that I would do everything it took to make her realize that she could be anything she wanted. She could make any one worship the ground she walks. You don't have to hide, sweet little Anna. Let them all see who you truly are, what you really like behind closed doors. There's power in submission, and I know she feels it. I'd give anything to make her accept it.

Even if it means breaking her.

She's definitely growing on me. Of course I like her, and I let her know. I'm not one of those guys who'd rather hang themselves than admit they like a girl.
She's everything I want and more, and I know deep down she's like me. Anna hasn't seen that side of me yet, because I won't let her. I'm not trying to scare her off, but one day she'll see the real me.

I am hell on earth Anna, but you won't be my redemption.

You'll burn with me.

"Hey! Hey Thom! Stop thinking about sex you pervert lets get moving" Cass grins as she gives me a small push on the shoulder to wake up from whatever trance I was in.

"Oh Cass, you know when I'm in my head I usually think about murder" I give her the look. That look that says don't fuck with me.

"You little bitc.."

"ENOUGH you two are literal children! Can you try to get along two minutes?" Anna snaps and I can see Louis softly chuckling as he takes Cass's hand .

Laughing, we all pay our tickets and enter.

"So it's kind of an interactive museum about perception and senses I heard. Enough to distract Cass's ADHD ass" Louis takes her in his arms and makes her spin.

"You're the ass" She fights back.

With the sound of fighting and bickering in the background, I lower my head to the right to see big blue eyes staring at me. She's gorgeous. A small but precious thing for me to mold and manipulate.

I wouldn't say i'm obssessed, just interested.

She takes my hand in hers, gives my knuckles a gentle kiss, looking up to me with eyes so seductive i swear it could melt me. Soft but puffy lips, and I can't help but remember how they felt like around my...

Yeah, maybe I'm a little obsessed.

"Lets go pretty girl" I give her a small slap on the butt and we follow Cass and Louis as they start the exploration.


We've been walking around for a good 2 hours, messing with everything we could and participating in most of the activities. I can see Anna so happy, coming out of her shell. She's so curious about everything, learning about all senses.

I can't wait to make her loose them

"We're gonna go eat , I'm literally starving. You guys coming?" Louis asks me and Anna.

As I see Anna start to answer, I take the lead.

"No we're good, there's something I wanna show her" I reply and Anna frowns.

"Okay lets meet up at the car in an hour" Cass says and they both basically take off running. Such impatient creatures my friends are.

"Come, Anna. There's one more room I want to show you" I take her head and gently lead her. She doesn't speak, so I know she's nervous.

Good. Exactly how I want her.

There's an interactive room in the museum that's completely dark. The point is to show how much a reduced vision heightened all your other senses.
I lead her in, listening to make sure no one else is in here already and when I realize it's empty, I lock the door. When I do, I can hear Anna's breath shift.
I take both her hands and lead her to what I think is the middle of the pitch black room.

"Can you see anything, little one?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

"N-No" She replies, her voice shaking.

"Good. Kneel" I keep both her hands in mine to give her stability while she kneels before me. I can hear her breath growing faster .

"Good girl, stay there" I release both her hands and carefully move away from her. I want her scared of what's coming next. Unable to tell where I'll strike unless she hears my voice.

My steps quiet, I slowly circle her.

"How does this make you feel, sweet Anna?" I whisper.

"Aware, Sir. I'm aware of every sound, every smell" She responds, her voice breathy.

"Good" I gently caress her shoulder and she shivers."Are you scared? Of the unknown?" I go on.

"Yes sir"

"How about curious? To know what happens next" I slowly caress the back of her head. She's shivering.

"Yes, I'm curious" She sighs, probably ashamed of herself.

"Good" I slowly kneel in front of her, to be on the same level. My hand still tangled in her hair, I go in for a soft, but torturous kiss. I take my sweet time, devouring her completely until I can hear her soft moans against my mouth. It takes everything I have not to take her right there.

But I have other plans for you, pretty girl.

"Tell me Anna, what does it feel like submitting to me?" I raise and start circling her again. Like a predator hunting it's prey.

"Like a pain in the ass" I can hear the humour in her voice.

"Uh-Uh, brat. Try again" I chuckle.

"I... I just do it because i'm forced to" She's blushing. Knowing she's lying to me and to herself.

"One last chance Anna. I know you're holding back"

She sighs

"Liberating, Thom. I'm on cloud fucking 9. Can we go now?" She barks, clearly sarcastic as fuck.

"Hm" I grin. " I'll get the answer out of you one way or another, even though I already know it. If I were to slowly put my hand down your panties, how wet would I find you Anna?" I whisper in her ear as I play with the band of her thong. I can hear her breath shift, her heart beating faster.

As she throws her head back, I quickly remove my hand and stand.

"But I guess that's for an another day. Lets go baby" I smile and guide her back to the door.

I know you feel it , sweet Anna. This desire to submit, to find power in obedience. How much will it take to make you realize?

I can't wait to play with you.

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