01 - Bang Residents

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Chapter 01 - Bang Residents

Minho pov.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing across my entire room, as I found it through my bedside table. I take out my phone to check the time

"Ugh, why do I have to set my alarm so early?" I grumbled to myself. I got out of bed and sat up till I was completely awake. I began to stand up and tidy up my bed

I went to the bathroom to get ready after finishing my bed. I took a shower, then brushed my teeth and went through my skin care routine. After I finish my routine, I proceed to my closet to choose my work clothing for today.

I'd rather be comfortable and stylish at the same time (My coat will hide it at the clinic later anyway)

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I'd rather be comfortable and stylish at the same time (My coat will hide it at the clinic later anyway). As soon as I finished my morning routine, I exited my room and strolled down my house's hallway to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast. I decided to make kimchi fried rice because I'm craving it today, well, every day, but we won't get into that.

I finished frying it and placed it on a platter before beginning to eat. I had finished my breakfast. As I put my dishes in the sink, I took a water bottle from the fridge and drank it. I returned the water bottle to the refrigerator and proceeded to the sink to wash the dishes I had just used.

Let's say I'm lazy, but I don't want any more work added, so I finished everything to avoid being fatigued.

I return to my room to retrieve my belongings, which include my backpack, phone, charger, and keys. I strolled out of my room, closed my bedroom door, and locked my front door. I took the elevator down to the parking lot after walking through the apartment's corridor. I went to my car, opened the door, and sat in the driver's seat, putting my belongings inside.

I shut the door and started the car engine and started to drive to the Bang Residents. I don't know why they named it Bang Residents, but I don't really care.

I finally came to the Bang Residents gate. The gate is simply a tall barrier with a path for cars in the middle and a large sign that reads "Bang Residents", which is a welcome sign indicating that you have arrived.

The Bang Residents, which was created for medicinal purposes, where we doctors live. We appreciate the Bangs' efforts in establishing a resource for doctors looking for hospitals and clinics to work at.

I parked my car in front of the clinic. 'Bang dental clinic' is the name of the clinic where I work. I am, in fact, a dentist.

I turned my car off, and took my things with me, not forgetting to take my car key, and got out of the car and locked the door.

I walked through the entrance of the clinic, and greeted Ms. Park, the head dentist here. I walked through the elevator, and clicked the last number in the button, which is 3.

The elevator door opened as I reached my destined floor, and walked through the corridor of the clinic to my office.

I opened the door, and went to my table and put my bag onto the small table beside my swivel chair. I took my white coat on the coat rack and wore it. I sat on the swivel chair and waited for my first patient to come.

As I waited, I ordered a coffee in the cafe that is not far from here, and waited for it to be delivered.

I suddenly heard a knock on my door, "Come in," I said. A girl in her 20's peaks at the door and comes in.

"Good morning Dr. Lee" she said.

"Have a sit" I pointed at the seat across from my table. She sat in front of me on the seat I pointed for her. "Please wait for a minute" I told her politely as I took my phone out of my bag to call one of my co-dentist.

"Hyung, do you have a patient today?"

"No, why?"

"Can I ask a favor?"

"What is it?"

"I bought a coffee earlier, can you please pay for it for me? I have a patient right now, I will pay you later"

"Oh yeah sure, no problem"

"Thank you minhyuk hyung~"

I hung up the call and faced my patient, "Please come with me" I smiled at her, standing up on my chair and leading her the way to my clinic.

Chapter one -end-


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