12 - Happy Birthday Byul

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Chapter 12 - Happy Birthday Byul

This is a long chapter.. please enjoy~

3rd person pov.

It's been 1 week since Minho got out of the hospital. And now he's at the clinic after a long long break, he didn't bring Byul with him cause the kids will baby sit Byul for him, and Byul will not look for him anyways.

It's almost lunch and Minho finished his last patient for the morning. suddenly his phone rang, the caller showed 'Quokka' on it.

Minho picked up the call, getting nervous if something happened to Byul.

"Hyung" Jisung said on the other line with a panicked voice.

"What is it, Jisung?" Minho said, getting more nervous.

"Uhmm-" suddenly there's crying in the background, or should I say, Byul is crying in the background.

"Jisung what happened? Why is he crying?" Minho said getting worried

"Hyung, we don't know. We were just watching on Netflix, and suddenly he just cried. We even gave him Leebit back, but he's not stop crying." Jisung said, while trying to stop Byul from crying. "That's why we called you, we already gave him his milk but he won't drink it. We need you here, hyung"

"Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes" Minho said, ending the call and putting his phone on his packet, and hurriedly took his keys and went out of his office.

He got to the lobby and luckily Dr. Park was there and signed up for an early lunch because of an emergency.

He got into his car and drove his way into the complex. He arrived at the apartment safely, and ran through the elevator to his apartment unit.

He arrived in front of his unit and opened the door with the keys. When he opened it the sound of crying Byul could be heard.

He quickly went to Byul's room and saw that the three kids were still trying to make him stop crying. He ran to them and went in front of the crib. He saw Byul holding Leebit, now crying slightly when he felt the presence of his dada.

Minho took Byul and hugged him while making a shushing sound. Now Byul finally stopped crying, holding onto the hem of Minho's coat that he forgot to take off when he was still in his office because of panicking.

"Dada is here now, sorry for leaving you Byul.. dada's sorry" Minho said while rocking his body while hugging Byul.

Minho regretted leaving Byul in his home. Not because of the kids babysitting Byul, he's actually thankful for them for helping him, even though they have work. But because he realized that Byul is still a newborn and newborns are always looking for their mom's presence.

He left Byul with the kids because of the 1 week break he had after he gave birth. Byul is not crying whenever he leaves him on the bed or on his crib whenever he wants to go to the bathroom or the kitchen. So Minho was okay to just leave Byul with the hands of the kids if Leebit is beside him.

But you see, even though Byul is still a newborn baby he has feelings too, he's a human after all. Byul will not cry if Minho leaves only to go to the bathroom or anywhere inside the house, because Byul can still feel the warmth and smell of his mother. Byul is only crying if Leebit was taken away from him because he can't feel the warmth of his plushie.

That's why when Minho leaves the house, he's gonna cry because he can't feel his mother's presence, nor his mother's smell.

That's what Minho realized right now and he will never leave Byul again, because of how much Byul cries right now is not much as Leebit was taken away from him.

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