Chapter 17

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Idk if you saw my announcement but couldn't post earlier bc WATTPAD WAS BEING DUMB AS HECK AND DELETED THE ENTIRE CHAPTER

Luckily it works now :D

Thanks for the support you've been giving me lately, y'all are too nice :)

Ok, onto the chapter now! :D

"BAD NO!" Quackity screamed, reaching forward as the vine went pummeling towards him at record speed.

It was too late, even if Bad moved now, he wouldn't be able to run away in time without the vine touching him.

Or it seemed too late.

Someone stopped the vine from touching the vine.

Someone had an eye on ender and teleported there, mere seconds before the vine could hit Bad.

Someone sacrificed themself for it.


The vine hit Skeppy hard in the chest, pushing him back slightly. The vine grew into four smaller vines, creating a claw that latches onto his hoodie harshly.

The vine seemed to pump, as if the egg was emitting energy from it's inside through the vine into Skeppy. This went on for 5 seconds before the vine lost it's colour, dying as the egg patched up the crack in it's shell quickly.

Then, they saw it.


It grew onto Skeppy, expanding, turning his blue hoodie blood red, red as the egg. The red expanded, as if expanding all around the hoodie, to the rest of his body. It turned his blue jeans a dark black, and the diamond studs on his neck and arms a sickening red.

Nothing happened at first. Nobody moved, no one made a sound, everyone too stunned to move as they watched the diamond hybrid also stayed glued to his spot.

Skeppy was the first to move.

Ever so slowly, he turned around. Growing on his face was a series of red vines, crawling up his face towards his eyes which were a strange pitch black, hollow as if you could drown in them. His face was blank and emotionless.

Still, no one spoke. Skeppy simply stared at the others.

"Skeppy...?" Bad said first, scared. He took a step closer to him.

Skeppy narrowed his eyes, before two large black wings suddenly sprouted from his back. With one strong motion, he whipped himself up, flying up the trapdoor in the ceiling, disappearing.

"SKEPPY WAIT!" Bad yelled, his own smaller wings coming out, flying up into the trapdoor as well.

The others paused, unsure what to do.

"What...was that?" Velvet spoke up.

"Skeppy gave up his free will for Bad." Quackity said more quietly than usually.

" Skeppy gone now then?" Puffy asked.

"He might be." Velvet answered, shaking his head sadly.

"What about Bad?" George asked.

"We should wait for him to come back shouldn't we? We'll go from there and see what to do." Velvet said. The others nodded slowly. "Also, someone poison Punz real quick-"

"That's unecessary though-" Puffy said.

"Look, he's still hypnotized, I think we should poison him, take him outside and then yell at him for basically causing this." Velvet said.

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