Chapter 14

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Anyways, hope you're doing good :D

Also, I'm considering joining a short story writing competition, should I do it? There's an entry fee and all and I'm not sure if I should join so just asking for some advice here :D

Also, thanks for all the reads, comments and votes! :D Really appreciate guys, love you all!/p <3

Ok, the story now-

"Eugh!" Velvet shrieked, backing away from whoever was staring at him.

They looked like a piglin but had zombie aspects of them. They were short, with large round eyes and Velvet would've guessed they were a child. They wore a long sleeve yellow and dark yellow striped shirt, the sleeves drooping off his arms, making sweater pants. They wore blue denim overalls.

They actually looked, rather cute.

"Um...hi?" Velvet said, tilting his head. The creature waddled over to him, tripping halfway. Velvet watched as it stood up, continuing it's trod over to Velvet where it sat down right in front of him.

The small piglin reached up, clearly trying to make grabby hands with his path. Velvet was confused for a moment before realizing they were trying to grab his headphones. "You like music little guy? Want to try them on?" Velvet as, placing them gently on it's head.

The headphones were a little big, threatening to fall off but the piglin brought up it's hooves to hold it in place. Velvet chuckled lightly at the adorableness of it.

"You sure are a cute little fella." Velvet mumbled, patting it as it started dancing to the music in the headphones.

Velvet and the small creature sat there under the moon, Velvet smiling at the small creature. It all felt like a dream.

Then, what happened next made Velvet sure he was hallucinating.

A figure suddenly appeared behind the creature who looked up at the boy and giggle happily. The boy was tall, much taller than anyone Velvet saw he before. He wore a black suit and tie, his hair brushed in a way where it covered his eyes. His face was divided, part of it black while the other was white. He had a green eye and the other was vibrant red.

When the boy saw the creature he sighed in relief and picked it up. "Sorry for bothering you sir, Michael we're going home now." the boy said quickly, before disappearing, only leaving small purple fractals behind.

Like an endermen. Velvet thought curiously.

And like that, the boy disappeared.

With the creature.

With Velvet's special headphones.

"Wait!" Velvet yelled into the empty night sky. "Come back!" He called, hoping the enderboy would come back. When there was no response, Velvet groaned and fell back, lying down on the grass once more.

My special headphones... Ant gave me those... Velvet thought with a sad sigh, tying to push away the tears forming in his eyes. He sat back up, deciding to find Puffy who maybe knew who that was. He stood up, noticing his phone had dropped out of his pocket.


My phone!

Velvet grabbed the phone quickly, checking if the headphones were still attached. To his glee, they still were. Using an app, he was able to pinpoint the location of his headphones.

"Alright...ready or not, I'm going to give you two strange creatures a visit." Velvet muttered, beginning his walk to a small town near L'Manburg, Snowchester.

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