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    Tom's eyes flitted to Loki and he smiled, "He left his sketchbook in my car."

Frigga gestured him over and smiled up at Tom, thanking him. Meanwhile Loki couldn't stray his eyes away from the blue ones boring into his own. He blushed and a small smile pulled at his lips as Frigga ventured off to the kitchen, leaving the two of them at the front door.

"I also came to ask if you'd like to go see a movie with me tomorrow night." Tom said, tucking his hands into the pockets of his letterman jacket. 

Loki gulped, "A movie?"

"Yeah." Tom responded with a cute grin. "But more of a date."

Loki's eyes widened and he blushed darkly, "A date?"

"Only if you want to go on a date with me. I was going to ask you in the car but I chickened out." Tom said, laughing softly. Loki couldn't believe what he was hearing. Tom Hiddleston, the boy he had been crushing on from afar for almost two years, wanted to go on a date with him.

He smiled down at the floor, "Okay."

"Okay." Tom said softly. He took a step forward and hooked his index finger underneath Loki's chin, tilting the raven's head up to look at him. Tom smiled as Loki's lashes fluttered, their faces inches apart. He used the pad of his thumb to stroke Loki's jaw, "I'll pick you up in the morning at seven for math."

Loki nodded, closing his eyes and leaning into the touch. Tom fawned down at him and gave him one last small smile before walking back to his car. 

He watched the taillights of Tom's jeep disappear down the street and smiled, shutting the door softly and locking it. Loki turned around and his eyes widened when he saw Thor standing at the bottom of the stairs, having seen the entire conversation between him and Tom.

Thor held the eye contact for a few moments longer and then walked into the kitchen, rummaging through the kitchen for a snack.


The next morning, Loki dressed in a grey tee, black jeans, and a black hoodie. He made sure his hair looked okay before trudging downstairs to eat something small.

Loki definitely wasn't used to waking up earlier than usual. Frigga seemed to notice this too and furrowed her brows before a car horn outside echoed. Thor raised a brow and Loki quickly finished his granola bar, "It's Tom. Bye mom!"

Frigga grinned, "Bye Loki! Tell Tom I said hi!"

He shut the door and looked up to find Tom leaning against the passenger side of his car. He was wearing his usual letterman jacket with dark jeans and a black tee. 

"Hey you." Tom said, grinning as Loki walked up to him. He smiled shyly, "Hi."

Tom opened the door for him and Loki climbed in, heart racing. Tom slid in next to him and started the engine, checking the street for oncoming traffic before pulling away from the curb.

"Did you ever finish that drawing of yours?" Tom asked, glancing over at him. Loki smiled and pulled the sketch book out, revealing that he did, in fact, finish the deer. "Can I see?" Tom asked excitedly.

Loki grinned, "You're driving."

"Fine. Promise you'll show me in class?" Tom asked, an attractive pout adorning his perfect face. Loki smiled down at his shoes, "Yes."

Tom reached over and tilted his head up like he had last night, "Don't be shy on me."

Loki blushed darker, "Just drive."

𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈Where stories live. Discover now