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    The next few weeks of summer school flew by quickly filled with countless adventures with Tom, visiting Diana in her coffee shop, and even filling out an application for a job there. 

Tom and Loki were now on their last week. The final stretch before one big test that would determine if they moved on to the next grade, or if they would repeat it the following year. Thanks to Loki's help, Tom was doing a lot better in maths. He even managed to get an offer for advanced algebra in his senior year with Loki.

Now the two were sitting under the black walnut tree in the schoolyard, Tom's head resting on Loki's shoulder as the raven worked on his latest art piece. He was drawing a very detailed dragon for Diana.

Diana had also become one of the most important and influential people in his life. His artwork was hung up in frames along the pastel blue walls in her shop and he even managed to sell a copy or two thanks to Tom's dad's printer and Diana's business skills. 

James was slowly warming up to him as well- even though he didn't know the two were secretly together. He was less and less wary of Loki as the weeks went on.

He spent so much time at Tom's house that he even had his own toiletries in Thomas' bathroom and clothes in his closet, makeup scattered along his dresser. 

Speaking of makeup, Loki had painted his nails a fresh coat of black and done winged eyeliner that he was pretty proud of before school. Tom loved it of course, he hadn't shut up about it since he watched Loki put it on that morning.

"You should draw some horns on it." Tom said, nuzzling Loki's neck and smiling against the pale skin. Loki grinned, "I'll add some just for you."

Tom's smile grew and he snuggled deeper into Loki, not caring about any looks he received or the fact that Thor was still lurking not too far at Danny and Taylor's side. 

Danny and Taylor were now a thing too apparently, and they decided that bullying Tom and calling him slurs would be a bright idea.

A bright idea that lasted five minutes.

Tom didn't care that Danny called him names. It was when he started to pick on Loki that he drove his fist into his nose and broke it along with two of his knuckles.

Let's just say that beef was squashed as soon as it started, also with the help from his fellow teammates who stood up for him and Loki.

He glanced down at the white bandages wrapped around his knuckles and smiled at the memory of finally getting to unleash some anger. Thor had made even more advances on Loki.

One had been done right in front of Loki's mother, who merely stood by and watched it happen.

His gut twisted with anger at the thought. 

Thor had smacked Loki's bottom and squeezed the flesh, causing Loki to cry in his arms as they sat in the movie theater parking lot, their new hangout spot since Diana's shop had been overrun with his teammates in search of donuts that day.

"What if I just kill him and be done with it?"

Loki sighed, "Tom, love, you can't. I don't want you to end up in jail because of me."

"Who said I'd get caught?" Tom quipped, smirking. Loki chuckled, "There's still the possibility of it happening. Besides, Diana offered me a position at the counter that will keep me out of the house whenever my mom refuses to let me come over."

Loki's mother had been very upset when the raven had told her of his plans to get a job. She started blabbering about who would do the chores, who would clean- but that didn't matter. Loki was going to get that job no matter what. It meant getting away from Thor and spending time with Diana while earning his own paycheck in the process. 

𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈Where stories live. Discover now