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    After another few hours of eating the plate of danishes, playing video games, and cuddling, Thomas' mother finally arrived at home. Loki was going to have dinner with them and meet Tom's mother before they went to the beach tomorrow by James' orders.

Loki wasn't too intimidated by Diana. She seemed really sweet, and almost like his own mother.

"Dinner's ready twat." Sarah teased, poking her head in the door. Tom had been mouthing at Loki's wrist when she did so.

Tom rolled his eyes, "Go kiss your Harry Styles body pillow and leave me alone."

Sarah stuck her tongue out and Tom returned the gesture before she closed the door and went down the stairs. Loki chuckled at his joke and continued working on a hickey he had started to make on the underside of his jaw.

"How in the world are we going to keep our hands off of each other downstairs." Tom groaned, feeling Loki's tongue swirl on his skin.

Loki hummed against his neck, "No idea."

They mouthed at each other for a bit longer and then finally went downstairs. Loki's marks from Tom were hidden by the hoodie Thomas had given him earlier, and Tom simply didn't care if the marks on his neck were visible. His mum and dad didn't know he was into the same sex so he wouldn't have to worry about that.

"Hi Loki. It's wonderful to meet you sweetheart." Diana said as they entered the kitchen.

The smell of something barbecue like filled his nose and he hummed in approval without realizing it. Diana chuckled, "Hungry?"

Loki nodded bashfully and returned the smile. "It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Hiddleston. I hope I am not intruding."

Tom's mother chuckled, "Not at all Loki. Tom's friends are always welcome here."

Tom nudged his hand and Loki bit back a grin.

"Thank you, dinner smells wonderful." Loki said politely. He wanted to make sure they liked him so he could start coming over here more often. It was comfortable here- even with the strictness of Tom's father.

Diana smiled, "You are too sweet! Are you on the rugby team with Thomas?"

"I'm not." Loki admitted shyly, "I mainly do theatre at the school."

Tom's mum seemed to perk up at this much to his delight.

"Oh that's wonderful! Have you been in any of the plays?" Diana asked, adding a spice into the pan of searing meat. Loki relaxed slightly and stepped a little closer to her. "I haven't been in a play yet but there are auditions when school starts back."

She grinned, "You should audition. I'd love to come see."

Loki definitely liked Tom's mother.

"I will."

Diana shooed Tom away to speak with Loki privately and he grew nervous. Were they figured out? Did she know? Were the marks on Thomas' neck a dead giveaway?

"Don't be shy, I'd just like to get to know you without my son being a thorn in the side." She said, chuckling. Loki smiled as she continued, "So, what are your plans after school sweetie?"

Loki perked up a little, "I'm going to try and get into the New York Film Academy or perhaps a college in London. I want to be a director or a screenwriter when I'm older."

"That sounds lovely! Believe it or not, I used to be the same way."

Loki's eyebrows raised and Diana chuckled, "That's actually how I met Thomas' father. He was a rugby player and had seen me in a play. Said I was pretty and took me on a date. Now here we are all these years later."

𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈Where stories live. Discover now