Part 7

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Ships that are in this chapter are kyohaba, Sakuatsu, iwaoi and kinkuni. If you don't like these ship sorry they are most likely going to be in the rest of the story.


Semis eyes fluttered open in the morning and gazed at the sleeping boy besides him. His hair was rather messy and his bangs drooped over his face. Semi felt a soft smile crawl up this face but didn't mind. Semi blinked and then had a sudden realisation of the position they were in.  Shirabu's head laid on his lap curled up to him. Semi turned into a complete mess. "Maybe ill move him before he wakes up..." semi thought to himself. He pulled the smaller up and the back down to a pillow. Semi got himself out of the bed but then fell back on it not knowing what to do. "Should i make food? Would shirabitch get mad at me? Ugggghhhh... I'll just go on my phone." Semi scanned the room for his book bag where his phone should be. He soon sees the leather bag near the bed.

Semi reaches for the bag and pulls his phone out. He opens it up and is met with 100+ messages. "Geez the fuck? Who messaged me?" Semi finds many messages from his mum, dad and sister worrying about here he is. "Shit i forgot to text them.." semi started typing all his family members worrying about him.

Eatya and IBUKI MIYODA private messages

Whore where are you
Leastfav child
Sugar daddy
Old man
This is where you say 'your older'
wait your almost an adult
What the fuck did i just text
You know that hot non binary person in my calc class...
They asked me out with~
A MONSTERCAN and flowers
And not any flowers those expensive ones~
And Ofc i accepted bc its a monster and they were hot
Plus they are like smart
So someone loves meeeeeeeee 😌
I'm gonna get married befor ya Babi broooo
Ok text back
I'm now scared 😖
Well im now an only child. :)
Wait you could be ~
fucking someone?
I bet its that shirabitch or Kenjihoe you talk about
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita

Oh I decided to stay at my tutors place. Not an only child anymore whore 😌😘 also ew 🤢 no way id fuck that uneven banged hoe

Eatya and mother mother 👑's private messages

Mother mother 👑
Semi eita
Come home right now
If your staying over tell us
Have you been kidnapped?
If your not back by tomorrow i will track your phone, and ground you.
And if your ded im will boast about it to the other people i know.
Wait did you end up having a concert with out telling us!
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Semi eita
Well come home tmr and i will chase you around the house with a pan.
Btw mioda is now my fav child 🥰

Don't worry ma i was staying at my tutors place because we finished up when all the busses are down.

DaDdY By MeE NoRth KorEA and Eatyas private chat

DaDdY By MeE NoRth KorEA
Eita could you please come home soon.
Your mother and i are worried.

Sorry i ended up staying over because busses were down.

Crappy people who top there unexistant boyfriends (not including tenhoe)

My parents thought i kidnapped someone or got kidnapped.

Apparently you slept with your kohai

I- were ya stalking or sum shit

Get sum shira!

How'd you know it was shirabitch and we didnt fuck...

sexual tension

Iwa~chan~ 🥰
Why do we have this group chat again...

To talk about semishira ❤️
And iwaoi
And Sakuatsu
And kyohaba
And kinkumi 🥰

Sakusa 🖕
What the actual fuck are they

Something amazing

Sakusa 🖕
Just shut the fuck up I wanna have more sleep



Sakusa 🖕 muted the chat for 24 hours

Semi chuckled to him self as he set his phone back down. Not even a couple seconds later the alarm started going off. "Ugghhhh" shirabu groaned as he rolled over. Shirabu was ignorant to the older male next to him and slapped him in the face in an attempt to shut the alarm up. "BAH" semi yelled once he was hit waking shirabu up fully immediately. "Oh hi" shirabu turned away from semi getting up from the bed. "Where are you going~" semi responded to the others action. "to wake up Tiyanyu and the whore." Shirabu muttered coldly as he walked off.

Shirabu walked towards the kitchen where he dragged out 2 pans. The boy lazily wandered to the older girls room before kicking the door open and creating loud bangs. The bangs were loud but didn't wake the other up. Shirabu examined her from afar and realised she had noise cancelling headphones on. He rolled his eyes and picked up the cup of water near her bed before splashing it in her face. It woke her up and she began yelling at the boy while he was dying of laughter.

Lechen began to stomp angrily to the shower with her uniform. Laughter in the room slowly started to die down as shirabu began to make his way to Tiyanyus room. He knocked on her door before opening it to see the younger standing in-front of him.

The boy walked away from the younger girl and soon was met with semi still sitting on his bed. "Hey shirahoe" semi said without moving his gaze from his phone. "Hey bitchy-senpai" shirabu responded to the older as he strutted through the room towards the closet where his clothes were neatly hung. "Shirahoe where'd you put my clothes?" Semi questioned this time looking up at the younger. "Its in the dryer in the laundry. Laundry is next to the kitchen." Shirabu instructed to the older bluntly. Semi nodded at the younger while he left the room with his clothes.

After two minutes he began to sort out his bag, stuffing sheets of paper, books and devices inside. He was pretty quick to finish and made his way to the laundry. There he saw clothes neatly hung. They weren't warm but they were good enough to wear. Semi picked up his clothing and headed to the bathroom where he got changed earlier. The door was wide open so he took it as the opportunity to get changed.

Semi got changed quickly and went back to Shirabu's room hoping to see him. He glanced inside the room and saw no one there. A certain smell wafted through the air leading semi to the kitchen where he saw 4 plates of toast and 4 freshly made bentos. "Hey" semi waved at shirabu who was turned around. "Oh hey. I made you a bento and breakfast." Semi was slightly surprised at the kind gesture by the one who is normally a huge bitch. The older boy took the plate from the table and began to eat the food he was given. Tiyanu and Lechen soon joined in with the 3rd year eating. When semi finished kenjirou finally began to eat. Everyone packed their bags in a comfortable silence before semi, kenjirou and tiyanyu began to walk off to school.

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