Slob Fest

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I start school in like two weeks :( ew ew ew

"When you fall in love, the natural thing to do is give yourself to it. That's what I think. It's just a form of sincerity." 
― Haruki Murakami


"Don't fuck with me right now! You had dinner with THE Stevie Nicks." I threw a pillow at Harry. My mouth was wide from disbelief. "Is she as cool as she seems to be?" I asked everyone around the living room. We all sat in different places in the room. Some on the floor and some on the couch. I was currently placed next to Sarah, who was showing me pictures of this dinner with Stevie.

"Way too cool for Harry that is for sure. Kid was frozen in time when he met her." Jeff laughed as he sipped on his drink.

I can imagine Harry waltzing into the restaurant with no expectations that his childhood role model would be waiting for him. Just sitting there to discuss music over pasta and wine. Then to finally arrive and see her in all her witchy glory. I would fucking pay actual money to see and experience his reaction. To see his 'chillness' evacuate his body and have panic invade his mind. Dude, I would pay so much money.

"Hey!" Harry whines as he walks into the room with more snacks and drinks. He passes them out to everyone and throws some at Jeff who is laughing his ass off. Then he plops himself next to me but in his hands is a pair of socks and he puts them on before he situates his feet next to me. I look up to him and I smile at him, he returns the smile before we both return to the conversation.

"No way man. Was it like a 'frozen not walking' type of freeze or like a 'I will shit myself freeze'?" I grabbed a handful of chips into my hand as Sarah passed them around.

"Shitting to the max. Who would be one person you would pass out meeting?" Jeff asks. Everyone mimics Harry meeting Stevie and I feel a huge laugh rising in me, that I just let out. This causes everyone else to laugh more.

"Hold on. Ain't no way..... Hold on." I catch my breath before I can answer the question.

"Me, of course." Harry says, throwing his shoulders up. Sarah throws a chip at him which led everyone to 'boo' him and throw pillows at him.

"I would dead ass flatline if I met either Jim Carrey or Johnny Knoxville. I love those old snaggly men." I make an 'ugh' sound. I see Mitch scrunch up his face at my comment.

"What? They are both dilf material." I say with my hands open but everyone shakes their head.

"So, you are telling me... that if Jim Carrey asked you to drop your pants, you wouldn't?" I say giggling towards the end which caused everyone to scrunch up their faces and groan. Oh, come on. Jim Carrey is the equivalent to that funny kid in high school everyone liked ! I always liked those guys, cool guys y'know?

Harry looks at me and makes the throwing up face and I slap his arm with offense. I mean if Jim asked me to drop everything I was doing to just be his side-chick, I would gladly and willingly drop everything- including my under garments.

"I mean Benedict Cumberbatch can definitely get it." A voice says and we all look to see a half asleep Sylvia. She shuffles her way next to Jeff who quickly makes room for her. Oh, no fucking way. No fucking way.

Jeff wants to be her benedict hands down. He dusts the couch off from all the chips that have been thrown. Who the fuck dustes off a seat for someone they don't have an interest in? No one. You heard me correctly, nobody. The only time I got dusted was the first time my ex hit me, and that was a mild occurrence. This was completely different. Sylvia pushes her hair back and leans her legs towards Jeff's direction instead of sitting on them like she usually does. This bitch likes him! The way they just succumbed to their own conversation right now, is proving me right.

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