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Can't wait when things hit the fan, already 25 chapters in !!!

omg, 25 chapters. This is the most I have committed to something. Dios me libre lol

besitos enjoyyy


" I swear to god I thought we fucked." I breathed out as my ass sat on the cold museum bench. My chest breathes out in relief after Harry explains what happened last night. Just harmless fun, and of course I would fall on the floor with nothing but alcohol in my system. I couldn't even bring myself to eat something.

"I think it was best that we didn't." He sits next to me smiling. "You are pretty hyper-active when you are drunk." He laughs and I reach out to push him.

If we didn't fuck, why was this dude so touchy-touchy? I eye him a bit and see how he sat so close to me and how his hand is resting on my thigh.

"So, if we didn't share a very intimate night underneath the stars...." I said laughing, this made Harry roll his eyes with a gentle chuckle. Then his thumb started to draw circles on my thigh. Small but light circles with his thumb.

"Why did you wake up so touchy?" I said to him, His face turns away from me for the first time throughout this entire conversation.

Harry looked at the screen, as if he was rehearsing what he will say to my question. At this point my defenses are a bit down. I don't want to seem dramatic but I am freshly single, in a whole new country with a guy touching my thigh.

Maybe, I am a bit dramatic but I think it's okay to want answers. I am staying in his home with his employee/cousin. I just don't want to be caught in the middle of love bombing, or in the beginning of another emotionally exhausting situation with another man. Joshua love bombed me at the start of our relationship, and I thought it was true love. I thought this guy was just utterly in love with me. A couple of months in, I knew why everything was sweet at the start. I don't want to feel that way again.

That feeling of betrayal, and shame for not recognizing how someone will be so bad for you. I can't hold that view on every guy I meet, trust me I know. It's just a pattern that holds a very harsh grip on me.

"Don't over think. I know you are over thinking right now, because I do too but I know you want answers." He says finally turning in my direction. As if he was reading my mind, he sums up my thought process.

"I just thought we kinda shared a moment ya' know. So, I figured, it was kind of established that ...." He drags his last word, and looks to me as if I understand what he is on about. But I laugh and signal for him to keep going by nodding my head.

"You are really going to make me continue." He smiles and I breathe out a simple yes.

"I thought we established that we have some form of feelings towards one another." Harry tilted his head shyly and smiled.

I knew there was something happening every time we were alone. There was this tension. This weird tension that I thought was just sexual tension, was clearly something more. My anger intensified when he wouldn't defend me. When we just gravitate towards each other this entire week. It's the way his friend, Flora took me to the side and told me that there was something special happening. She knew from the moment I walked through her door, angry and huffing about that day's sequence of events. Any time any abuela or latin older woman tells me something, I believe it. I don't doubt it for a second. That's why I spent half of the time talking with her, because she sensed something.

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