Bonus Chapter 1

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I take a deep breath as I try to straighten my dress. It was currently 11:55 am and I was to be married to Ben in 5 minutes. I was nervous yet excited. The door opens to the room I'm in causing me to jump.

"It's time," Matt says to me.

Matt was going to be walking me down the aisle since neither of my parents was still alive. I nod as I pick up my bouquet holding my belly as I bent over. I was currently 7 months pregnant and boy did I feel big.

"Are you ever going to tell us the gender?" Matt asks gesturing to my belly.

I smile as I shake my head. "Nope"

Matt smiles and shakes his head "Let's get you down the Isle to Ben." Matt says holding out his arm to me.

I gently take Matt's arm. He leads me out of the room and to the courtyard of the building Ben and I were getting married in. Ben meets my eyes as I walk down the aisle towards him. My bridesmaids were already waiting for me. I watch as Sam smiles excitedly at me. Once I reached Ben, I handed my flowers to Sam so I could grab Ben's hands.

Ben caresses my hands gently as we turn our attention to the priest who was officiating our wedding. I listened to the priest as I look at Ben. Ben was mouthing the words slightly as he smiles at me.

"Y/N your vows," The priest says.

"Ben, we met many years ago at our workplace neither one of us prepared for what was to come. Through working beside you I had come to love your science pickup lines and your personality. Through thick and thin you were there for me and you never gave up. You never gave up on us and now with our baby on the way I cant wait to spend my future with you." I say causing Ben to tear up.

"Ben your vows" The priest days turning to Ben.

"The moment you walked through those lab doors I was taken away. You were so beautiful and so smart that I had told myself that I had to at least try to get with you. I finally had my chance the night we stayed in your office drinking. From then on I was so dedicated to you and only you. When you told me you were pregnant I wanted to propose to you right then and there but I was glad I waited till I did so I could remind you how much you really mean to me. I love you Y/N and I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you." Ben says to me.

Tears stream down my face. Ben reaches out and wipes the tears away as the priest says a few more words.

"Ben repeat after me. I, state your name, take you, Y/N to be my wife, in sickness and in health, for better for worse, till death do us part" The priest says to Ben.

"I, Benjamin Cobalt, take you, Y/N to be my wife, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, till death do us part," Ben says as he slides my ring onto my finger.

"Y/N repeat after me. I, state your name, take you, Ben to be my husband, in sickness and in health, for better for worse, till death do us part" The priest says turning to me.

"I, Y/N L/N, take you, Ben to be my husband, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, till death do us part," I say sliding Ben's ring onto his finger.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Cobalt. Ben, you may kiss your bride." The Priest says.

Ben wastes no time grabbing me and kissing me. I smile as I wrap my arm around him kissing back. I could hear the cheers of everyone around us as I float on cloud nine. I was officially married to the love of my life.

The after-party was small yet still filled with life. I watch from my seat as my friends dance and laugh. I rub my belly gently as I was too tired to dance with everyone due to the growing child within me. I watch as Ben walks over and kneels in front of me. 

"Is our baby giving you hell?" Ben asks me. 

I laugh slightly. "Yes. They are very restless today" I say. 

Ben smiles and rubs my belly gently getting close to it. "Stop being a pain so your mom can celebrate with me," Ben says to my belly.

I fell the baby move again causing me to start laughing "They say no thanks. They want to celebrate as well" I say. "I think they like the music" 

I look up to see Sam walking over to me. "Baby being restless again," She asks. 

"Yep. They are celebrating as well" I say to her. 

Sam smiles as she laughs slightly. "Do you want anything?" 

"A drink would be nice," I say to her. 

She nods as she heads to get me a drink. 

"Picking her as your maid of honor was the best choice you could make. Well besides marrying me of course" Ben says. 

"She has been taking such good care of me all day," I say as I watch Sam start to walk back with two drinks in her hand. 

She hands one to me and then the other to Ben "Thank you" Ben says before Sam heads back to dance with Woods and Matt. 

I smile as I watch them. I was glad they were my friends. I don't really know where I would be if it weren't for them. I turn my attention back to my husband before me. He looks up at me with the biggest smile. How did I get so lucky to have Ben in my life? I quickly lean down quickly capturing Ben in a kiss. My life couldn't be more perfect despite Ben and I's past and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. 

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