3: What Happened to Jamie

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Valerie comes bursting through the door, obviously eavesdropping, "you're right Lana they don't just go missing, unless maybe they're married to rich billionaires, with money to burn, he could be tied up, waiting on ransom from you. You know he was always safe and out of harm's way before he met you, as soon as you came into his simple, easy life , you brought nothing but attention, stalkers, paparazzi, and danger to my youngest son".

I knew she wanted to scream and lecture me more but she was interrupted by a phone call, she stops, looks at me with hatred in her eyes, and answers the phone, "Hello Jay," her older son, " yes come to Lana's, were all camping out over here, 10 minutes away... well just hurry okay baby" she glances at me. " this is not over , and I promise you if anything happens to my son, she's stops as she suddenly becomes aware of all the police officers over "you will regret it". She slams the door. I cry even more into Ella's shoulder.

Ella tries to comfort me once more, "Lana, she's just upset" she says, trying to convince me.

I look at her, "she has every right to be... shes right, no one knew who Jamie Davis was until me, he had no target on his back, until me."

Ella makes me sit up, "hun, what was that part about stalkers?"

I look at her with my mascara running down my face, hesitant to answer but then I say, "There were a few incidents in the past, none of them were too serious except one, but that has nothing to do with any of this".

Ella looks at me, "Lana just humor me".

I sit up, looking at her, "Well it was right after our return from our honeymoon in Paris, once we got home, we found that the mansion was broken into, I went upstairs to check on my safe, and then was a man in the closet that came running after me, Jamie was checking out the other rooms, he didn't even notice that I wondered off, he called the police and heard me scream. He ran in with a bat, but what is a bat compared to a knife at his precious wife's throat. He screamed about how he couldn't hide his love anymore and he needed to do something about it.

"Lana why didn't I hear about this?" Ella asks.

"I was embarrassed, but we were able to contain it from the media, and I made Jamie promise not to tell anyone but I guess Valerie was the exception. Don't worry, I hired more security we haven't had another scare yet. Anyways, the man scared me, that's for sure. I honestly couldn't tell you more I was in shock, but the police officer was here on time, they arrested him."

"Oh my god, that is seriously scary!"

"It really was, and I know Jamie always beat himself up for that because he felt like he wasn't strong enough to protect me, but I didn't need his protection I'm not helpless, you know, but that just who Jamie was." I sighed loudly.

"Hey, hey don't speak about him in the past tense, relax okay it hasn't been that long."

Ella held me tighter, "They're gonna find Jamie, Lana, okay, please try not to obsess, I'm sure there is a logical reason for all of this."

"Maybe, but it's hard to think of one right now." I sniffled trying to look presentable before going back out there. I wiped my eyes and fixed my hair. Deep breathe. Okay I'm good.

Both of the police officers walked up to me, "Lana, we want you to tell us if anything out of the ordinary happened last night, why was Jamie not home."

Valerie creeps her way over and inserts herself into our conversation, "Hector, we have been over this, Jamie left because..."

"M'am with all due respect we are asking her, we have plenty to go off of based on your very detailed pictures."

"Hmmm, well I was just making sure you knew all the facts, sorry. " she said sarcastically as she walked off to the kitchen clearly offended.

I told the two police officers how Jamie was a mama's boy and anytime she cried he ran to her side but in a nicer version. After meeting her they seemed convinced enough that I was right and she was crazy. But they also said they were going to let the detective do the majority of investigating and then they left.

We walked back out to my living room when we heard a carpool up loudly, It was Jay, Jamie's older brother parking. I think there are too many people I allowed on the "okay to enter premise list", I thought to myself as all these people drove through without having to be buzzed in. Valerie practically jumped for joy, once Jay was in her sights, Valerie had a special bond with both of hers sons, don't get me wrong, it was a little overbearing in my opinion but who I am to say a word. She rarely saw Jay because he lived in LA and we mainly live in a more isolated part of San Diego, where my main office is, even though we have a house closer to Hollywood, we like our privacy. Jay lived near Hollywood with his newest girlfriend at least that's what Jamie told me.

Jay was girl crazy, he was a player, he had a new girlfriend every family visit. He had intense green eyes unlike the rest of his family that possessed lighter brown eyes. The way Jay looks at you makes you feel at ease but it is also a little intimidating. He opens the door without knocking just like his mother and walks calmly over to Valerie, tightly hugging her, "Hi mom."

"My baby, oh my goodness can you believe all this."

"I know mom but look at me, hey, it's gonna be okay, please do not go crazy over this, even though I know you will , it's not your fault."

Valerie lashed out and escaped his grip, " I know it's not my fault Jay, its Lana's!" She pointed at me as if everyone didn't know who Lana was. She walked closer to me with a crazy look on her face. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

Jay defended me as I stood there in silence taking all of her irrational screaming.

"Lana is not responsible" Jay says, "and you know that, look at me , please don't panic unless there is something to panic about and there isn't right, right."

There are those eyes again, but I am glad for them today because Valerie did not say another mean word to me. The lead detective walked over to me slowly, as if he was trying not to spook me, "Mrs.La Cruz I am going to be on my way now but I just was observing. I just want to give you and your family some time while we work on leads but there is a few things I would like to discuss with you over again, alone".

I nodded my head in agreement and walked away from the crowded living room.

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