7: What Happened to Jamie

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 Then he walks in and sits on the edge of the bed, "Lana, honey are you awake?"

I just looked at him, there was no duct tape around my mouth or anything, but I guess that doesn't matter, who would hear me anyway. My hair feels messy, my makeup has to be smeared and I feel so tired.

"What did you do?"

He answered, "look sweetheart I did what I had to do, you were freaking out and I just wanna talk, okay that's it."

"Stop calling me sweet names, you pervert, I am scared enough and very confused as to why my husband's car is in your garage."

He looks at me and comes closer. "Lana, I am truly sorry for how things all went down."He put his hand on my cheek. "Relax, honey, I'm not going to hurt you, as long as you cooperate with me, okay."

I spit on him, "Don't touch me you sicko."

He grabbed a tissue and wiped it off, "Okay, I'm gonna let that go because you're frightened and I get it but you need to calm down."

" Like I was saying... love is a crazy thing and sometimes you do the most insane things for the people you love and I never meant for things to escalate."

I look at him, my mouth was quivering and the tears flowed like a dripping candle."You broke into my house a couple months ago, you had a knife to my throat, confessing your undying love for me, but now things have escalated, how did you get out of jail?"

He laughs, "Lana, you don't even know what you are talking about do you, oh sweet girl". He smiles from ear to ear then continues, "I am sorry for the whole knife incident back at your place, really, I have seen the error of my ways, and that's not who I am, or what I am about, I am a good person who made a bad decision that night, it was just a bad judgment call, that's all. I never wanted to really hurt you, I just needed to scare him, to let him know I meant business, you know."

I looked more concerned than ever, "who, teach who a lesson?"

He laughs & proceeds on with his rambling, "He didn't take me seriously, now he does."


"Yeah Jamie, who else, dumbo." He smiles.

"Wait, wait ,wait a minute all this was some revenge plot against Jamie, what did you do to him, did you hurt him, did you kill him!" I scream.

Now he looked shocked, "Hurt him, I would never hurt him, I love him. You were there. I told him I loved him, I never had the courage to tell him that before but I think he always knew it. I met him at one of those charity galas, he hosted the SAVE THE MARINE LIFE fundraiser thingys. C'mon Lana you have to remember ...you were there."

I was so shocked, I remember the night he's talking about , but the only time I saw him was the night of my house and here. "No, I dont know what you are talking about, Jamie never mentioned anybody, I don't think I even know your name, what is it, Adam?"

"Adam, no, why would it be Adam?", He said seriously with a stale face.

"Your tattoo" I cried, still in shock about everything happening.

"Oh this, Adam was my ex-boyfriend, I loved him very much, well before he cheated on me and left me for some older guy."My name is Mateo and I thought my life was over but then, well everything changed that night when I met Jamie, at that Gala at your mansion."

 I looked at him like he was insane, "Where's Jamie, what happened to him, is here?" I just kept crying.

"Could you stop crying, you're making me feel like a villain. Anyways just hold on I'm getting there, I know it must be hard to hear about your husband's love story with someone else but I think you deserve to know the truth, Lana, you deserve that."

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