10 years later/ enter lightning

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( 10 years later )

( we see the police car behind the green hills billboard and we see Alvin along with Simon and Theodore and they look bored )

Alvin: come on one car ( then he decided to mess around then he accidentally hit his check )

Alvin: ow

Simon: you alright

Alvin: yep I'm okay and I'm bored

SpongeBob: chipmunks do you read me are you there

Alvin: no SpongeBob I'm actually on a yacht in Barbados with rihanna

Theodore: Alvin what was that

Alvin: relax it was just a joke

Simon: oh

SpongeBob: O-M-G that's amazing please send pics

Alvin: no SpongeBob we're at the speed trap

SpongeBob: already how did you get back so fast Barbados is in the ocean

Simon: he was just joking

Theodore: hang on I think we got something ( then they look at it but it was the turtle and it was 001 mile power hour )

Alvin: hey buddy where's the fire got kids living around here

Simon: was that really necessary

Alvin: i thought that was kind of funny sorry

( Then the red bur whoosh by that it reads 296 )

Theodore: what ( what they don't know was that lightning was there behind them then lightning do that again this time it reads 300 )

Alvin: okay I don't know how but I gonna check it out

Theodore: right there Alvin

( Then Alvin look around then he see the red quill )

Alvin: what is this

SpongeBob: chipmunks we need you down on main Street there's been a violent gang shoot-out

Theodore: what

SpongeBob: just kidding A duck stole a bagel but they do need it back

( Then the chipmunks left what the turtle was about to get run over but he was saved by lightning McQueen )

Lightning: whoa buddy you almost got yourself killed out there what are you some kind of adrenaline junkie it must be rough being slow all the time tell you what today is your lucky day

( Then lightning run fast that made the turtle happy )

Lightning: whoo have you ever felt so alive this is great you're doing amazing ( then the turtle fell off lightning ) oh geez ( lightning then run back to get the turtle ) good recovery whoo ( then made it to the woods ) let's keep this our little secret okay you never saw me I was never here ( then lightning left )

( Inside the cave was lightning home got everything )

Lightning: so what were you expecting a dirty little racecar eating berries and struggling to survive think again because I am living my best life on earth I've got a library ( he read flash comics ) a home gym and a state-of-the-art security system ( he swings his nunchuck then he hit himself ) ( then he play some ping pong by himself then he accidentally knock over the rings )

Lightning: oh no

Lightning: And if I'm ever discovered I'll follow Jessica's instructions and use my rings to escape to a new planet A nice safe little world filled only with mushrooms ( then he open the protal ) gross smelly mushrooms

Lightning: I hate mushrooms

Lightning: but let's not worry about all that this is green hills the greatest place on earth these are my people and dare I say I am their loveable space creature so what if they don't know I exist ( then he see the chipmunks ) my favorite person is the red munk along with his brothers protector of this town and defender of all creatures big and small

Alvin: morning Donald daisy daffy

Simon: really not the same ducks from cartoons right

Alvin: don't say that Infront of Theodore

Simon: sorry

Lightning: red munk and his brothers lives with pink ette and her sisters their is super nice to animals and strangely was born without bones

Lightning: ouch ouch ouch ( he tries to the straching like they did but pain )

Lightning: there is one person in town who's actually onto me he calls me the devil with wheel

Mikey ( TMNT): I almost caught him last night

Lightning: say hello to Mikey ( then lightning set off traps that Mikey made ) we have fun together ( then Mikey hang upside down )

Mikey (TMNT): I know you're out there and I know you're real

Lightning: no I'm not

Lightning: movie night is my favorite

Lightning: please please ( then he see speed they watched ) yes Keanu you are a natural treasure

Men 1: when I find you

Men 2: pop quiz hotshot there's a bomb on a bus

Lightning: ( Keanu ) pop quiz hotshot ( normal ) it's a classic line

Lightning: basically we're like a family even though we haven't met yet ( made lightning sad )

Lightning: ( German ) you don't think your prolonged isolation is making you a bit crazy perhaps

Lightning: ( normal ) crazy me no way doc you got me all wrong

Lightning: ( German ) and despite all these so-called friends of yours deep down ( normal ) you're still rather lonely

Lightning: perhaps afraid you'll be alone forever

A/N: hey guys the next chapter the chipmunks got accepted to work at police academy meanwhile lightning play baseball see you then

lightning McQueen ( Sonic the hedgehog 2020 )Where stories live. Discover now