epilogue/chick new look

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( we see green look better at chipmunks house was repair from the bullets )

Alvin: you got enough there

Brittany: yes Mr manager

Simon: need any more

Jeanette: you get that away

( then they hear knocking and it was Duncan)

Duncan: chipmunks and chipettes

Theodore: yes

Duncan: a token of appreciation from your government for keeping quiet about recent incidents which never occurred

Alvin: wow wonder what it it

Eleanor: money to fix the house

Simon: letter from the president

Duncan: you'll see

Theodore: okay

( it was a gift card from olive garden )

Brittany: olive garden

Alvin: yeah

Simon: the way you said you'll see made us think it was something better than the things we said

Duncan: have you tried their never ending pasta bowl it never ends

Theodore: sounds fancy

Jeanette: mm-hmm well thank you we appreciate the gesture

Alvin: hey I guess we can close the file on that Chick hicks guy huh just disappeared

Duncan: I'm sorry but no such person exists or ever has existed

Simon: I wish that was true

Duncan: you haven't by any chance been in contact with a certain red racecar since the incident have you uncle Sam would love to have a chat with him very casual brunch perhaps

Theodore: you mean the red guy no no nothing no

Eleanor: mm-mmm

Simon: doubt we'll ever hear from him again

Jeanette: mm-mmm

Duncan: very well

Alvin: okay thank you

Brittany: great

Simon: yep

Alvin: to be honest we're pretty pumped about the pasta bowl

Lightning: so do you guys wanna watch a movie or what

Brittany: sorry buddy it's a school night it's time for you to go back to your cave

Lightning: what it's 3:00 in the afternoon

Simon: you know how you get when you're tired

Lightning: me I'm not like anything you guys are so uncool

Theodore: yeah yeah we know

Alvin: hey buddy where you going

Lightning: you said I have to go back to my cave

Simon: we did

( then they show Lightning his new new cave )

Lightning: oh my are you kidding me I can't believe it how did you it's it's all here look at this are you kidding and the beanbag no way how did you even get this and you got it all the way over I love it I love it

Brittany: well welcome home

Lightning: thank you so much oh no you Don't no second-best car friend allowed in my room wait what are you doing stay away from me stop it I'm warning you I've got nunchucks hey stop okay you can stay

( title says LIGHTNING MCQUEEN )

( meanwhile on mushroom planet we see Chick hicks )

Chick: my grasp on sanity remains absolute isn't that right agent storm ( then he pick the rock that look like storm and throw it ) why don't you get a head start do some rock-connaissance ( lauch )rock-connaissnce come on that's hilarious what's the matter with you here's the switch uninhabited planet no resources no supplies no apparent way home a lesser man would die here ( got that quill ) I'll be home by Christmas ( then he throw rock again ) rock-connaissance come on cheer up

lightning McQueen ( Sonic the hedgehog 2020 )Where stories live. Discover now