bar fight

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( we see alvin pull up the gas to call spongebob )

Alvin: I'm gonna go check in with spongebob see if he knows what's going on

Lightning: you're gonna see spongebob in that glass thing what is it a teleportation box

Simon: it's a pay phone it's mostly for drug dealers and fugitives from the law which is us stay in the car we don't want anybody seeing you

Lightning: fine

( then alvin simon and Theodore call on spongebob while Lightning was messing around with the steering wheel then he heard the loud horn )

Lightning: huh ( he see some people do with the cars look cool for Lightning to see ) * gasps * okay okay that is the coolest place on earth but you have to stay in the car ( then he want to go in there so badly ) be strong be strong ( then use the design to go in )

Spongebob: hello green hills Police department

Alvin: spongebob it's us

Spongebob: hi I'm so glad that you called so some guys came in asking some questions they're a little creepy kind of reminded me of the guys from men in black but not as likable or charming as will Smith

Simon: wait what kind of questions

Spongebob: questions about terrorism I told them that I've gone ice fishing with the chipmunks they doesn't know how to make a bomb they can't even make bait in the cold

Theodore: all right spongebob listen to me that is really important Don't tell them that we talked okay

Spongebob: ( look at chick hicks and Jackson storm ) you know I think they already know ( then Chick hicks took the phone

Chick: Mr Seville

Alvin: Alvin Simon and theodore

Chick: I want you to know that the only other person who ever punched me in the face was the school bully he hit me in the cafeteria causing a blunt-force contusion to the soft tissue surrounding my orbital bone humiliated me in front of the entire school and do you know what I did in response

Theodore: we're assuming that you reported him to the principals office cause that kind of behavior is really unacceptable

Chick: no I examined the inefficiency of a world where brawn trumped brain and I used technology to resolve that inefficiency the boy ate his meals through a straw for a year and I never lost a fight again until today

Simon: hey hooray for us then huh

Chick: no because you're about to become the bully with the straw I'm coming for you Mr Seville and when I catch you I'll ( but alvin Simon and Theodore hung up ) hello hello hello hello hello

Spongebob: I think they actually hung up because I notice that the light isn't on

Chick: thank you officer brainfart

Spongebob: if you give me a second I can get an outside line

Chick: no Don't be bothered you just sit there and be u seless ( then they left )

Spongebob: no one's gonna erase my memory here I well tell people about this

( back with the chipmunks )

Alvin: okay not exactly the healthiest meal but ( then they noticed that lightning not here )

Simon: Lightning ( then they noticed that lightning in there ) oh no no no ( then they ran in )

Cowgirl: yeah

( they went in and they see lightning in outfit )

Lightning: howdy partner

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