Chapter 12: Double Performance

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"Seriously?! You'll accept our offer!" Mya squealed with delight.

Her shining, dark eyes looked ready to explode from her head.

"Y...yes. W-we'll accept...I guess," Eli grunted.

"Yipee!! I can't wait for us to work together!!" she exclaimed.

"Now you have to introduce the S-class mage you're working with!" Larry exclaimed.

Eli's nose scrunched up.

"Like hell we'll tell you that," he grumbled.

Larry cocked a pink eyebrow.

"Ummm, obviously it's one of you two," he stated.

Mya came to her brother's side. The top of her head reached his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter! I'm just glad we can spend time together!" she exclaimed.

Eli rolled his eyes.

"Alright, whatever. C'mon. The faster we do this the faster we get home."

The four Mages retraced their steps, the Heavenly Twins leading the way.

"Larry and Mya, what quest brought you here?" Calypso wondered.

"Oh! The village at the bottom of the hill is actually a village of traders!" Larry stated.

"Yeppers! They call themselves Trade Village, and they're very mobile! That is, until three days ago," Mya added.

"What happened?" Eli questioned, looking over his shoulder.

"Well, they were apparently on their way to a new establishment when they were suddenly imprisoned by these huge spikes of ice!" Larry explained.

"Yeah! So we came to help get rid of that ice since, you know, I know Ice-Make and Larry's Maguilty Sense is extremely strong!" Mya continued.

"Of course, we freed them, but then this giant light gray and pale pink snake appeared out of nowhere! We ran for sometime until we found our saviors!" her brother finished.

The spiky blond furrowed his brows.

"Wait...isn't it a two hour train ride from Lamia Scale to Sabertooth?" he asked.

"Yes it is. Why, Sun Rays?" pinky growled.

"Because this place is only a twenty minute train ride from our guild hall. So why would Lamia Scale come all the way up here? Blue Pegasus is only an hour from us, and Sally Tearm and Adeline Tearm from Pegasus Wings know Snow Magic. In other words, it would have been much more convenient to request them."

'Exactly what I was thinking Eli.'

The Duo exchanged glances.

"Ummm, can't say we thought of that?" turquoise pigtails answered.

"Yeah we were just excited that the flier requested us," pinky added.

Calypso and Eleodoro stopped in place. The latter whipped around on his boot heels. The former half turned her entire body.

"Wait. You were requested?!" the Sun Mage cried.

The brother and sister nodded in sync.

"Show the flier," the Moon Mage commanded.

Larry looked at Mya, who dug into the pouch on her right hip. She pulled out a small piece of paper, unfolded it several times, and handed it over.

Eleodoro snatched the flier and read it. Calypso stepped up behind him.

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