Chapt 12: Mixed Emotions

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Ashley's P. O. V.
I looked around but still couldnt find him. Im getting annoyed by Mari's stubbornness. Everything Bonnie and I do he starts getting mad and irrated. I wish he could just see there is nothing between us! Then a purple aura flashed down a corridor and Bonnie walked towards me. "Let me help you find him Ashley." He said. I nodded. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we teleported around the pizzeria. We went almost everywhere. Where the fuck could he be?! Oh! I should check the clock! I saw a clock down the Main Hall. "Bonnie let me check the time really quick before we continue." He nodded and let me go. I ran up to the clock and read the time in shock. What?!? Its 10:26 already!?! "Bonnie how long was I sleeping!?" "Im guessing around 7 hours because Cassie told me you fell asleep exactly on 6 AM and when i was sent to the barrier with you it was 1 PM. You didnt wake for quite a while. Also time goes extremely fast outside the barrier but inside it feels like centuries." "Woah. Remind me to keep a watch." Bonnie laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. We teleported to the second Party Room and saw Cassie and Mari talking at a table. Cassie's eyes shifted over to me. "Hey Ashley!" She cheered. Mari looked over at me and Bonnie. He then started to sulk. Why is he sulking? I dont see w- ohhhhh... Bonnie's arm is wrapped around my waist. Ughhh Marionette is pissing me off to my extent. Bonnie released me and blushed. I walked over to Mari and slapped him hard. Bonnie's eyes widened in shock while Cassie's eyes kept watching us like entertainment. "Stop acting like a fucking bitch Mari! You know that there is nothing between us. I was cheering Bonnie up when we were in the barrier by tickling his ears and his arm was wrapped on my waist because we were teleporting around the WHOLE DAMN PIZZERIA TO FIND YOU! DO YOU FUCKING KNOW HOW WORRIED YOU MAKE ME EVERY TIME YOU LEAVE BECAUSE YOUR PETTY JEALOUSY IS IN THE WAY!?! Please. Just grow up!" I screeched. Cassie smirked and propped her head up with her arm on the table. I walked back to Bonnie, holding back my tears. "B-bonnie... Please take me back to the office and then take me home..." He nodded and put his arm around my waist again. "Bye Cassie. Bye Mari." I said sadly. The purple aura took us to the Office. I gathered my things in the Office. "Are you ok Ashley. You look very depressed." "Just peachy!" I cheered. I lied though but Bonnie wont obviously buy it. "Lets go Bonnie." I told him where my house was and we teleported to the living room. "Do you want me to go now Ashley?" "No. Just follow me." I lead him to my room. His eyes scanned the whole room in fascination. I sat on my bed and lowered my head, my brown hair covering my face. Bonnie came over and sat on the bed next to me. "Ashley. I dont believe that your fine. You look very depressed and sad. Marionette is probably the cause of your sadness. Tell me what wrong and i wont judge no matter what the reason." "B-b-b-bonnie... Your s-so sweet..." I sniffled as large teardrops dropped onto the blue carpet. I might as well let it out now. There is no stopping the dam once it breaks... I began to sob loudly. "I-i dont k-know anymore... M-mari is s-seriously breaking m-my heart to p-pieces and i dont know w-why.." Bonnie hugged me close and helped me calm down but it wasnt working. I leaned on his chest and cried into his arms. I was getting his shirt wet but he didnt care. "Ashley its best not to think about it. I know its hard but please cheer up. Or you can cry it all out. I wont care which decision you choose to do. Either way, ill still comfort you no matter what." I looked up into Bonnie's eyes as he did the same. "Ok. Thanks Bonnie. You really helped. I love how your so nice and caring. Its adorable." He blushed and looked away. I laughed. "I have a perfect idea to cheer you up." He smirked and started to tickle me everywhere. Bonnie was on top of me on the bed as he tickled me. I laughed and laughed till my sides hurt. "Okkk Bonnieee im cheeredd upp nooww!" He stopped tickling and we laughed. "We really get along dont we Ashley?" I nodded in response. I cant say im in love with Bonnie but i feel like he has a long way to go before he gets there. We just stared at each other for a long time. He suddenly came up to my face and nuzzled our noses together. I laughed then smiled. "Bonnie what are you doing?!" "Just breakin' the silence." Then my alarm sounded. I shut it off. "Its 11:30 now. Ummm can you wait in the living room please. Im gonna go take a shower now." Bonnie got off of me and sat up on the bed as i did the same. He then had a ticked off look and was looking at something. I followed his eyes to see Cake's cupcake form in the dresser looking at us. "Damn Cassie!" He said. He went to the dresser and smashed the plate and the cupcake. The cupcake had a pink aura then disappeared. "Why did you kill Cupcake?!" "She's not dead. She has the ability to put up cameras that look like her cupcake form. You smash them to get them to disappear." I nodded. "Why the hell would she do that?!? That evil side of hers is truely evil!" "Obviously. Im going down to the living room and wait." He went out the room and closed the door. Im going to have a stern talking with Cassie. And Mari.

End of Chapt 12

Dont panick ppl!! Its still a Marionette X Ashley story but just with a love triangle... *cough* love square maybe.. *cough*
Bai Penguins!!! :-)

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