Chapt. 17: Restoration Is For The Best

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Ashley's P. O. V.

My jaw dropped down to the floor to see a passed out bloody Goldie on the floor and bloody Gold laying next to her exhausted. There were cracks, holes, and smashes on the floor and wall. "What the hell happened?!" Me and Bonnie said. Gold picked up Goldie bridal style. "When i said we couldnt control ourselves... This is what i meant. I absolutely hate it when Goldie breaks out." Gold mumbled as Goldie laid lifeless in Gold's arms. "Is she ok?" I asked worriedly. "She's fine. She just needs to go to restoration mode for a few hours." Something shadowy locked around Goldie like a restraint. The shadow lifted her up out of Gold's arms and carried her into a dark corner. "Goldie and I restore using shadow chains. We also regenerate by staying in shadowy corners. We gain alot of strength because we both stay in the shadows alot. If you look where Goldie was, she's gone." I looked and Gold was right. She wasnt there anymore. "Where did she go?" I asked. "We warp through shadows so we can easily get anywhere around the pizzeria or just relax. Goldie likes to play a game in the shadows with me alot." Gold replied. Everyone else came back. Freddy, Chica and Cupcake came first. They were laughing uncontrollably and grinning. Mangle and Foxy came back. Mangle was asleep in Foxy's arms as he stroked his hand through her pink and white hair. "Welcome back guys!" Bonnie said. "Ummm... Speaking of restoration Gold, im going to check on Mari. Later!" I was about to leave the room until i spotted Mari's scarf on the floor. I picked it up, wrapped it around my neck, and went to the Prize Corner. Music was playing from the box. I opened the box to see the strings wrapped around him as he was sleeping softly. I went into the box and closed the box silently trying not to wake him up. His breathing was quiet and steady. I laid next to him just staring. I fell in a deep sleep from all the running.

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(I knoe. I knoe. IM BOSS!! This is my first try doing this!! ( Didnt Copyy i sweariez!!) :p )

Marionette's P. O. V.

I woke and felt faint breathing on me. I turn my head and see Ashley peacefully sleeping, her arms wrapped around me. How adorable. My regeneration strings were still holding me. I got them to retract and they disappeared. I hugged Ashley and kissed her lightly on her forehead. Ashley's so cute sleeping.. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at me with slightly tired eyes. "Hey Mari." She asked sleepily. "Hey Ash. How did you end up in the box?" Ashley blushed and looked away. "There is no need to know that. Are you feeling better now? Goldie was dealt with." "Yeah im fine." "Is it true that everyone have a regeneration process?" "Its true. I have my strings, Toy Freddy and Freddy have their microphones, Toy Bonnie and Bonnie have their electric guitars, Toy Chica and Chica have pizza obviously, Goldie and Gold have shadows, and Foxy has his plushie form. Cupcake has her plate that she rests and eats on in her cupcake form." "I know about Cupcake's regeneration process. Bonnie told me. Also, why plushie form?" "I honestly don't know. His regeneration is very odd. He just sleeps in a plushie mode for a few hours." "Okay well lets do something!" "What?" "First lets teleport to my house." This will be the first i went to her house. I wonder what it looks like.

Ashley's P. O. V.

We teleported to the house onto the couch. "Lets go to an amusement park!" I cheered. Mari looked at me with a 'what is that' face. "Oh an amusement park is a place where you ride roller coasters, eat cotton candy, and well... have fun!" "Oh... um okay. So when do we go to this.... 'amusement park'?" "Right now just let me change. You can sit on the couch and watch TV." "What's a TV?" My jaw dropped to the floor. "How the hell do you not know what a TV is?!" "Ive been in my box since you left 11 years ago so i dont have much experience about the outside world." "That makes sense. Okay so you use this remote and press this button to surf through the channels. Ill explain more when im finished." I walk upstairs. Man I feel bad. Its my fault Mari never experienced the outside world. I went into my room and changed into something light. I wore a black short dress with blue leaves, white flowers, a red belt, and red cherries, Coach shoulder strap bag with red sandals. Also to top it off with a linen white scarf. I head back down stairs. Mari was there just laughing at the TV show. "Hey Ash. This is pretty funny!" I giggled. Mari has alllooot to learn about the outside world...

End of Chapt. 17

PLEZ DONT KILL MEH!! i knoe its short(832 words; i normally write around 1,250 words or more if i feel Like it) Its just the more that i think about the State Test coming, the more i feel depressed plus my parents are planning to take away mah phone and my Ipad(What im using now) if i dont study for the State Test which makes me even more depressed... I promise ill make up for it!! Ill write two chapters in one post tomorrow (i cant truely promise and all but ill most likely make sure of it!) also guess where the scarf came from when you were dressing because you would know if you read carefullllyyy~~! *Winks* :p
Bai! Next Time Mah Mini Penguins!! :D

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