Chapter 1

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"Y/n! Can you please take this basket of empanadas to the Madrigal's" my mum called. "Sure, I'll go now" I replied, picking up the basket and heading to the door.

As I was about to leave my mum runs up to me and says " Don't forget this, it's the suit they wanted me to make for Antonio's gift ceremony" and hands me a crisp white suit folded and ironed to perfection. "Ok will do" I say as I head out of the door.

On my way to the Madrigal's casita I saw my friend Lucia and took a quick detour to say hi. "Hi lucia!" I called, "hi! Where are you going" she asks "the Madrigals so I can give them this basket of empanadas and Antonio's suit for the gift ceremony tomorrow night, sorry have to go" I say and rush off.

When I reached the casita I knocked on the wooden doors and the doors flung open and Mirabel engulfed me in a hug.

"Sorry" she said apologetically after she let me go " oh it's fine" I say.

After we went inside I saw a girl with a yellow top and red skirt in the kitchen with a plate of food. "Oh, hey Dolores," I say.

Suddenly I hear a voice behind me saying, " Camilo, stop pretending to be Dolores to get seconds" I quickly figure out that the voice belongs to Mirabell's tio Felix with the real Dolores standing behind him.

"Worth a shot" he says and shape shifts back into himself. As he leaves the kitchen he winks and he and I feel my face heat up.

"Helloooo, earth to y/n Díaz" I hear Mirabel call, "huh?" I say, Mirabel just laughs. "Come on let's go to my room"

"Soooooo, I see that you've got a little crush, y/n" Mirabecl says, "maybe" I say.

Mirabell gives me a look.

"Ok fine maybe I like your cousin a little but there's no way he'll like me back, he is a Madrigal and I'm just a townsperson" I say a little sadly.

"You never know," she says, " how would you know?" I question. "Well Dolores might have said a little something about it," Mirabell says slowly.

" Anyway, forget I ever said that," she says.

"He definitely likes you y/n he was talking to me about it," a small voice says, "oh I forgot Antonio was in here" I say as realisation hits me.

" So Antonio, are you ready for your gift ceremony?" I ask him. He doesn't reply for some time then he finally says " sort of, it's not fair that Mirabel isn't allowed to come though" he mumbles.

I look at Mirabel, " abuela forbid me from going because apparently I'm bad luck" she says while quoting the bad luck. "Aww I'm so sorry" I say sympathetically.

"It's fine, gift or no gift. I'm as special as the rest of my family" Mirabel says, holding head high.

I check the time, " I'm so sorry but I've got to go home now, my parents will be worried, see you tomorrow" I say and hug both Antonio and Mirabel.

I check the time, " I'm so sorry but I've got to go home now, my parents will be worried, see you tomorrow" I say and hug both Antonio and Mirabel

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Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to write more for the next chapter.


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