6 | Rescue Mission

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Barracuda by Heart

"I bet you gonna ambush me

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"I bet you gonna ambush me."




Y/N rode on her PX70 with her sister behind her as Kirk rode on the other one.

Before they drove out of the tunnel into the crater, Y/N let Jaylah off and followed Kirk into Krall's base.

Kirk used Jaylah's device to make more holograms of himself as he drove throughout the camp. Bones and Spock went to rescue the crew as Jaylah laid on top of one of the buildings and shot down at the soldiers.

Y/N drove her bike into the base and then jumped off and let it run into one of the buildings where all the soldiers were shooting at them. She rolled across the rocks, looking up at the blaze of fire. She jumped up and yelled, "yes!" But squealed as she ran away when more soldiers shot at her. She grabbed her swords and fought the soldiers, taking anything in her path down.

She then ran to where all the crew was being beamed out. She saw all these soldiers running to them to kill them, so she started taking down all the soldiers she could. Kirk then drove his bike around the crew, letting out the gas that turns into a solid form, one of the traps Jaylah had. He put it around the crew so that they would get beamed away safely.

Y/N looked over her shoulder when she saw Manas climbing up onto one of the buildings in the base, when he threw Jaylah away into the dirt. Y/N ran to the base and followed him to the top, starring her down.

"You won't leave this place alive," the man threatened.

"I've done it before," Y/N smirked and dodged the punch Manas threw. Y/N then side kicked the woman, kneed her in the gut, and swept her legs.

"You little," Manas huffed and punched her in the face, then tripped her, making Y/N's beacon fall. She went to dive for it, but Manas kicked it away.

Y/N stood and faced off Manas as they continued to fight. She looked over her shoulder when Kirk revved the engine of his bike. He then drove around the building Y/N stood on.

Y/N then punched Manas, "thats for my sister," she then kicked him back, making him fall hard as she jumped off the building.

"Grab my hand!" Kirk yelled and reached for Y/N's hand, grabbing it. They flew through the air, then beamed back to the Franklin, falling onto the pad. "I just saved your ass," he smirked, quoting her words from when she saved him when he fell off the machine Nero was using to destroy Vulcan.

"Thanks, Loverboy, but if anything, I saved your ass too many times to count," she pointed at him as he helped her up this time.

"What can I say? It's a nice ass to save," he quoted her, making her laugh. He then sighed and looked at her with a serious face, "but seriously, let's never do that again," he panted, stretching a bit.

Y/N smiled up at him, "but it was so much fun. Are you getting too old for this Captain?" She smirked and kissed him quickly. Y/N then jumped back when two people ran in, yelling, also throwing them farther apart.

"Y/N!" Uhura grinned as she and Sulu ran in. Sulu hugged Y/N but was thrown into Kirk by Uhura, who embraced Y/N. The two men stumbling as Uhura held her friend, grinning, "I've missed my best friend and sister."

"I've missed you too, Nyota," Y/N grinned and hugged Uhura back, then winked at Sulu, who laughed.

After they pulled away, Uhura looked at Kirk, "Captain, this thing he has-"

"Yorktown," Sulu nodded, "he's gonna destroy Yorktown.

"We gotta get this ship off the ground," Y/N nodded as Kirk and her walked off the pad.

Kirk looked over at the red-headed man, "Scotty, can you get this thing started?"

"Started, yes. Flying, sir, that's a different thing. These old vessels they were built in space they were never supposed to take off from the atmosphere."

"Make it happen," Kirk sighed as the crew followed him and Y/N to the Bridge.

"They're called starships for a reason, Captain," Scotty sighed.

"You tell me this now?"

"You didn't know this," Y/N raised a brow at her fiance.

"Not the best time for jokes," Kirk sighed.

"What a party pooper," she rolled her eyes.

Scotty sighed, "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to disappoint you, you know, in case you didn't make it back."

"How thoughtful, Mr. Scott."

"Captain," Spock interrupted the two men's bickering as they all looked out the window of the Bridge.

"He's launching," Kirk stepped forward.

"The attack on Yorktown may be just the beginning." Spock looked at the crew, "armed with this bio-weapon, he could rid it of all life and use the base's advanced technology to attack-"

"Any of the Federation planets," Y/N nodded, "he's going to destroy Starfleet; that was his big plan. He talked about it when I was stuck in that hell hole," Y/N rolled her eyes.

Kirk sighed, "then we're just gonna have to get this thing flying.

Scotty scoffed, "we cannae just jumpstart it, sir!"

Kirk looked over at Scotty as Y/N sighed loudly, "Господи, помилуй, (lord have mercy)," she said as everyone looked at her, "you're gonna kill me."

"I am not," Kirk defended, "it's a good plan."

"This is how it's going to end," she sighed dramatically, "with one of your terrible plans." She listened to Kirk tell everyone the plan and then helped them get to work.

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙤𝙮 | 𝘑𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘛. 𝘒𝘪𝘳𝘬   ᵇᵒᵒᵏ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉWhere stories live. Discover now