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mike: i'm sorry baby, i have an urgent meeting so i can't eat lunch with you.

mike: maybe tomorrow?

el frowns at her phone. at least they had brunch together a few days ago.

she exits the college building then finds a bench outside to sit on as she types out a reply.

el: it's ok, are u at the office?

mike: yeah... i miss u and i hate everyone here. i still need to sign a bunch of shit after this.

el smiles at her phone then an idea pops into her brain.

el: focus on ur meeting, i'll see u soon :)

she then locks her phone and puts it into her bag before she decides on a restaurant. she should buy takeout for them so they can still eat together.

he can still at least eat because el knows that he probably wouldn't if he's working.

standing up, el smiles excitingly before she goes to a fast food restaurant. this restaurant gives out takeout boxes which was perfect for what she had planned.

once she arrives at the restaurant at the end of the street, she walks in with a wide smile, "hi benny!" she greets as he grins, "hey there, el,"

she walks up to the cashier, "can i have two cheeseburgers with one large set of fries. oh and two cokes, please!"

he nods and gives her a thumbs up, "coming right up. ring her up, colin."

he walks up to the cashier and she goes to take out some cash to pay. since she paid just right, she sets down the cash then moves back to wait for the food.

benny comes out with a paper bag and gives it's to her as she smiles out widely and gives him a quick wave before she heads for a free table.

she takes out the two containers with the burgers and fries inside then opens it with a grin. she goes to grab the ketchup bottle and starts.

she draws a sideways heart on the top of the burger then showers some fries on the sides before she makes a smily face in one corner.

after she was done, she carefully shuts the container back then sets it back into the bag.

"bye benny!" she waves and holds the paper bag before she exits the restaurant.

she walks back towards her car parked across the street then she carefully sets the food into the passengers seat and buckles it in to make sure it was safe.

she drives off slowly to make sure that the food was safe and throughout the whole ride, she was so excited for mike's reaction.

she wanted to cheer him up because he's always so stressed when signing contracts.

arriving right outside the very very tall building, she parks out on the street before she walks into the building lobby.

with a sweet smile, she walks to the elevators and then gets in.

she leans her head down into the bag in attempt to check if the takeout box was tilted and when she saw that it was still perfectly sat, she sighs out in relief.

"i really hope you will like it," she murmurs to herself as she waits for the elevator to ride up the floors to the seventeenth level.

she walks out and pass the reception in attempt to find mike's office.

"hey, what are you doing!?"

el stills then turns around to meet eyes with the same assistant she met last time.

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