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QOTD: Celebrate every tiny victory.

R O M Y:

Marcus gathered me into his arms and kissed my face all over and made me feel really special. I was very sad when we had to end our meeting, but I knew that I had to go home, it was Friday and I had invited Cassie over to talk to her about all this and also to probably go clubbing. A night out would do me some good after the rollercoaster this week has been. I was now driving home, calm yet slightly troubled and also a little nervous at the prospect of seeing Cassandra and talking to her about everything that transpired between Marcus and myself. I hold Cassie's opinion in high regard, as she does mine.

I reach home soon enough to thanks to less traffic, pretty unusual for a Friday night. I let out a deep sigh as I reach home, sink into my couch, close my eyes briefly and a small smile spreads on my lips of its own accord. 

I hear a ping and unlock my phone, it's a notification from Cassie. I groan lightly regretting saying yes to going out with her. I didn't wanna go out, I wanted to stay in, eat junk food and cry over my pathetic life. But was it gonna help me? No. Maybe if I exhausted myself into getting a restful night's sleep, I could think straight.

I sighed and closed my eyes when the bell rang. I groaned and got up to open the door, it was definitely Cassie with her new dresses. And I was right!

She walked past me without a hi, seemingly upset about something. "Well hello to you too Cass" I grumble. We were gonna have a long night.

"I got into a fight with Andy." She grumbles from her seat. I bend down to pick up the dresses and place them on the sofa and take a seat next to her. "What happened?" I question getting comfortable.

She looks at me for a moment then throws her head back and sighs loudly, I sigh quietly. "Can we just stay at home, watch movies and eat junk food?" she speaks. "Oh thank god! I was so tired. I could cry of relief" I exclaim. She giggles lightly and we become silent for a while, scrolling through our phones. I take the chance and place an order for some pizza the both of us.

I put my phone down and look at Cassie, she focused on the video of a cat playing with some random video and smiled lightly as the cat did something stupid. I sigh, "Cass, do you wanna talk about what happened?" I hear her grumble something under her breath and chuckle lightly lean my head on her shoulder. "Spill girl." I say.

"He got jealous and behaved so irrationally, and one thing lead to another and before I knew it we were fighting full on about stupid things and I grabbed my dresses and left. Midway. He hasn't texted me once. He knows we were gonna go clubbing tonight." She seemed so upset and I didn't know what to say that would make this better. So I wrapped my arms around and held her quietly for a few moments.

"You guys are gonna make up soon, trust me that man cannot be away from you. Not for long Cass." I shrug and she smiles. "Yea he is obsessed with me" she giggles and I laugh loudly when the doorbell rings, I get up and open the door hoping it's the pizza. The deliveryman hands me a package that smells glorious but definitely not pizza. I frown and look inside when I see the logo of the Chinese takeout that's my staple. "Everything cool?" The deliveryman asks looking at my frown. "Actually I ordered pizza. I think this is someone else's order."

"But this was the address that was given to us." He scratches the back of his neck, "You're not Cassandra Josephine then?" My eyes widen as I piece together what must've happened and quickly reassure the deliveryman who seemed panicked.

"Oh Cassandra is my friend, she's inside, I had no idea she ordered food." He still looked nervous, I called Cassie to come to the door. She walked out still staring at the phone. "Yea Romy, is everything cool?" Looking between me and the deliveryman.

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