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QOTD: Love.


What followed the breakup was the worst week of my life. I barely got up from my bed, just picked up my phone to call my parents the morning Marcus left to tell them about everything. They were pissed off, especially my mother who thought I'd learned my lesson from the last he hurt me. But they still supported me. They wanted me to come home, to recover in their home while I figured out what I wanted to do after this storm passed.

I accepted their offer. I couldn't stand the thought of going through all this alone. But I also needed some space to mourn my relationship and my job that I was definitely going to lose. I was taking this time to prepare myself for the conversation with Melissa. Which brings me to the dreaded day, I wasn't ready to lose my job. I loved what I did. But I had to face the consequences of my actions. I sat at my vanity in a professional suit, my hair pulled back as I applied finishing touches to cover up my dark circles.

My phone rang, it was Cassie. I sighed and picked up, not wanting her to burst into my apartment like last time, because she was afraid I was unconscious or worse.

"Hey Cass."

"Hey girlie, how are you feeling?" Her voice was soothing and comforting.

"I don't know. I'm really nervous about the conversation with Melissa today. I can't believe I'm about to lose my dream fucking job Cass." I exhaled looking at my scattered makeup.

"Whatever happens during and after that conversation, I want you to remember that you're a brilliant woman and that company was lucky to have you for however long they did. And I will be there with you every step of the way as you figure out your future." Cassie's words gave me the strength I needed to finish putting my makeup on and face the day.

"Did-did he call?" She hesitantly asked.

"No." Was all I could say.

"I love you Ro-Ro. I've got your back." She said softly, making me smile.

"Thanks Cass. I gotta go now. Love you babe" I hung up the phone and stared at myself in the mirror, the woman staring back at me looked like the woman who I was before everything happened, confident and smart. I exhaled nervously and grabbed my keys and left home to get fired from my job.

I parked my car in my usual parking space, I could see that a group of photographers and reporters were waiting around. My shoulders tensed. I had been avoiding them like the plague by ordering food and groceries and not leaving my apartment during the week. I sat frozen in my seat, thinking of a way to get past them without being noticed when I heard a tap against my window. Filled with horror I turned expecting to find a reporter, instead found Ana. I got out of my car quietly and followed her towards the second exit that I'd never bothered to find out about.

We got to the elevator and got in, Ana pressing the floor number. "He's here today." She said after a moment of silence. My heart stuttered as I thought about what it would be like to run into him after everything. A quiet "Oh" was all I could muster.

The elevator halted to a stop and the doors opened to our floor. We got off and walked towards Mel's room. As we halted in front of her room, Ana turned towards me, "I don't know what will happen inside that room. I want you to know that I enjoyed working with you immensely and getting to know you as a person." I smiled gratefully and hugged her.

"You've been an incredible support, Ana. I will miss working with you." I said and turned to face the door. It looked imposing and terrifying. I exhaled forcefully and knocked. This was it.

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