Chapter 2

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A train whistle wakes up a dirty white german shepherd from his slumber. The dog opened his teal eyes and yawned, he got up and stretched with a groan. The dog walked over to a pile of soot and rolled in it to cover his white fur to completely black. He then makes his way over to a puddle of water and gets a drink.

"What a day." The now black dog said. "Well, now to dig up some breakfast."


The german shepherd, known as Dabi made his way over to town when he passed by a pet store to see puppies in the window. He rolled his eyes at the sight of them.

"Annoying little rascals." He scoffed and continued on. "Now. That breakfast, let's see. Bernie's? No, um, Francois? No, no. Nope. Too much starch. Ah, Toga's. That's it. I haven't been there in a week."

Dabi made his way over to the back alley of Toga's and heard one of her coworkers softly humming a tune. The dog scratched at the door and the man looked down at him.

"Well, Buongiorno, Jet." The man chuckled. "You want your breakfast?"

Dabi barked and softly wagged his tail to put on an act.

"Okay. The boss, she's saving some nice bones for you." The man laughed and ran into the kitchen. "Breakfast coming up from left field."

The man threw the bone and Dabi ran after it and caught it in mid air.


As Dabi ate his bone, he heard a man whistling and he looked out and saw the dog catcher on his wagon and two dogs in the back.

The man walked by Dabi's hiding spot and he put up a sign on the fence that said 'WARNING, Notice is hereby given that any unlicensed dog will be immediately impounded, by order of City Council.'

Dabi shrugged and snuck up behind the wagon to see two dogs, a brown Mutt and a Boykin Spaniel.

"Hey." Dabi whispered.

"Look, Mange, it's Dabi." The Boykin Spaniel said. Mange shot up and shushed the other, then she looked at the black dog and puffed out her chest.

"Hiya, handsome." Mange said seductively. "Come to join the party?"

"Oh, shut up." Dabi grumbled and worked his way up to the lock. "I'm going to get you out. I'm telling you, the pressure's really on. Signs are all over town."

Dabi unlocked the door and it swung open.

"Gee, thanks." Mange said and jumped out, she sat next to Dabi and rubbed her head against his chest. "How could I ever repay you?"

"You can repay me, by never doing that again, and you, walking your four legs out of here." Dabi growled, he then shot under the wagon and tried to hide.

"Hey!" The dognapper yelled. "What's going on over there?"

"Scarm." Dabi glared at the two and they took off running. As the man ran by, Dabi jumped out of his hiding spot and bit his pant leg.

"Let go! Let go of me!" The man screamed and tried to use his whip and hit the dog, but Dabi dodged all of them, and the german shepherd ran away.


Dabi hid in an old dog house as the man ran by him. He chuckled to himself for another success. He looked around at his surroundings and rolled his eyes.

"Urgh. Snob hill." He scoffed and passed by two pigeons. "Hi, gals. How's it going?" The two pigeons flew away. "Pretty slim, aye? Yeah. I'll bet they've got a lid on every trash can. Oh, and a fence around every tree. I wonder what the leash-and-collar set does for excitement."

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