Bruce Banner: If It Weren't For You

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The sound of clacking keys and shuffling of papers filled the room as Bruce stared deeply at his laptop, his eyes wide and red from not moving his gaze at the almost blinding light of the screen.

It's been days since the doctor had taken a break, due to him constantly working on his research, like a moth to a flame. It's normal for him to stay up so late at night then get up early in the morning, just to keep on working, getting lost in the numbers within his skull.

However, it wasn't as bad as before, where days were once weeks or even months of him just focusing on work. The difference of now was he had someone to take care of him.

"Bruce, that's quite enough." The soft words snapped the doctor out of his work-like trance as he looked up to the origin, only to find his husband staring at him from the doorway with a worried smile on his face.

Y/N came into Bruce's life as he was traveling throughout South Africa, the former being one of the people to see him turn from the raging, green goliath, into this scared and lonely man. Ever since, he's stayed with the doctor through thick and thin, no matter how dangerous it had been for him to do so.

Because of his gentle kindness and tender care, Bruce couldn't help but fall in love with the young man. And yet, the brunette never acted upon his feelings for he was worried they would never be reciprocated because of who he was and could become.

It took to seeing Y/N almost get kidnapped by one of Ultron's sentinels, for the doctor to finally speak out about his feelings.

And after two years was when he pulled out the ring that solidified their relationship.

"J-just a bit more, and I promise I'll stop." The brunette stated, an apologetic tone laced with his words as his eyes shot back to the screen and his fingers continued typing. "You said that an hour ago." The younger male remarked, his voice full of concern as he strode behind the doctor, bending down to wrap his arms around said male's neck and resting his chin on his shoulder, leaning his cheek against the other.

Bruce took a moment to lean against his partner and release a breath, turning his head to plant a soft kiss on the corner of the h/c's lips, making said male hum at the doctor's tenderness. He placed a hand on Y/N's arm and softly caressed it, feeling the other relax more in their current position.

Bruce felt sorry for the younger male, always staying up late to keep checking on him while he worked. His caressing soon came to a halt, and instead, he gripped Y/N's arm and closed his eyes as he buried his face in the other's neck, getting a whiff of the sweet vanilla shampoo and lavender body wash, mixed with his natural, grass-like scent that made the doctor think of the forest. Calm. Soft. Peaceful.

He couldn't help but try to bury his face more, wanting the scent to fill his senses. A small chuckle had him stopping with a questioning hum, curious of the sound his husband made. "Your stubble tickles." He softly said, arms unfurling from the doctor's neck as he had to stretch his body, the earlier position putting a bit of a strain on his back.

The doctor stole a glance at the small reveal of skin as the younger male's shirt rose, seeing the familiar v-line that trailed down into his undergarments. "Something catch your eye?" The brunette's eyes shot back up to meet the h/c's teasing smile, his face growing warm for being caught.

Y/N just chuckled at Bruce's blooming cheeks as he turned the doctor's seat to have them properly facing each other, before he sat on said male's lap and returned his arms around their neck again. The older of the two reciprocated by wrapping his arms around the younger's waist, their bodies now close and against one another.

Pairs of eyes connected, like an invisible thread pulled them towards each other. The hands around the doctor's neck now moving towards his hair as they combed through them, while his own gently squeezed the waist they held.

No words needed to be said as they closed the gap, lips meeting to share a sweet, loving kiss. Bruce thought he'd never be able to find love again, so he was more than thrilled to have found someone to call his own.

A moment passed till they had to part, yet they stayed close to each other, with Y/N's face now pressed into the crook of the doctor's neck, fingers softly playing with the hairs on said male's head. The brunette fully wrapped his arms around the h/c's waist, wanting to keep him as close as possible.

"I love you, Y/N," he uttered, voice laced with nothing but pure love and affection. "I love you so much. I can't imagine what my life would have been, if it weren't for you." His words audibly became shaky the more he spoke, yet he still continued to praise the man in his arms. "I-I'm glad you became my husband, t-to call you m-my own."

The man in his arms slowly pulled back and cupped his face, giving his husband the full view of Bruce's trembling lips adorned with a smile, eyes shimmering with tears threatening to fall.

"Brucy, no matter what happens, I will always be here for you, okay?" Those words were more than enough for Bruce, tears now running down his face as he pulled Y/N into another, more passionate, kiss.

He poured everything into this kiss; his love, his fears, everything he felt, right then and there, conveyed through one, single, action, and Y/N gladly returned those feelings in full.

In the next few moments, his laptop is turning off as he carries Y/N up into their room to shower him with love, care, and provide him the most sweetest, most tender, of love-making, to show the young man how much the doctor truly loves his husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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