Bruce Banner: Warm Remedy

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"Get away freak!"

"You don't belong here"

"Just die already!"

"No one will remember you"


You immediately shot up on your bed, heavily panting with your eyes wide and your body sweating as you shakily run your hand through your hair, trying your best to calm yourself down. You just cross your arms and pinch the bridge of your nose before closing your eyes, mentally cursing at your reoccurring and worsening nightmares.

You ask FRIDAY for the time, and she simply answers past 2 am. "For fuck's sake..." you sigh to yourself before getting off of your bed, put on a jumper to keep you warm, and exit your room. You take the elevator and you quietly walked to the kitchen once the doors opened.

What you didn't expect was someone by the counter, looking out the large window opposite the kitchen. To your relief, it was just Bruce staring at the sky with a mug of what you assume to be coffee, judging by the smell.

You admired the scientist, though you'd find yourself pitying him at times for the life he's been forced to live. You didn't even notice yourself staring at him till he put his mug on the counter and sighed, snapping you back to your senses.

Nervously, you tug on your sleeve before you spoke "Dr. Banner..?" catching the man's attention as he flinches and looks across the kitchen table, squinting for a bit. "[Y-[Y/n]? W-what're you doing up so late..?" he simply asks as he stutters for a bit. You just chuckle nervously and say "N-nightmare..." before walking to the fridge to take the milk jug and a mug from the cupboard with your telekinesis, pouring the white liquid into it and inside the microwave to heat up while you float the milk carton back to the fridge and close it.

You watch the mug slowly spin while you fiddled with your hands, unbeknownst of the older male quietly and unintentionally staring at you, thinking of a way to help you sleep. One thought crossed his mind, though he found it a bit sudden and embarrassing. But before he could catch your attention, a 'ding' rings from the microwave, signaling your milk was now warm and ready. You gently tug your sleeves to your palms before grabbing a hold of your mug, the heat warming your hands and you take a sip of your milk. A tad bit hot, the way you like it.

Just as you were about to take another sip, the older male awkwardly clears his throat, catching your attention, with you turning towards him with a questioning 'hm'. He nervously rubs the back of his head while you patiently wait and take a sip of your drink, though you didn't expect what came next. "D-do you um... do you w-want to s-sleep with me tonight?" you couldn't help but choke and start to cough as you put your mug on the counter with your hand to keep you up. Bruce quickly comes to your side with his hand now on your back rubbing and patting it gently, muttering a string of apologies.

"It's okay Dr. Banner, I-I'm fine" you reassure him, straightening yourself and turning around before you notice the scientist's face mere inches away from yours. You could feel your cheeks burning and your breath pacing shakily, the man in front of you having the same reaction.

You stood there, staring into each other's eyes for a few moments before you shyly step away from Bruce with your mug now wrapped in your hands again, facing away as you quietly drank your milk while the older male nervously scratches the small stubble on his cheek. "S-sorry..." he quietly mumbles, making you glance up at his chocolate eyes before looking away. "U-um..." you hesitantly start, catching the male's attention. "I-if it's fine with you....". At first, he didn't quite understand what you meant. Then it clicked, to the doctor's surprise. "S-so uh-" you shyly nod your head, confirming Bruce's speculation as he utters a quiet "O-okay.." and you both went back to finishing your drinks.

After a while of comfortable silence with each other, you and Bruce place your mugs on the counter, with the latter scratching his neck nervously before you take his hand in yours and gently rub his knuckles with your thumb, making the older male jump a bit but relax soon after. Bruce starts walking toward the elevator with you trailing behind, your hands still clasped together and your face now beet red. Once in the elevator, you find yourself beside the doctor, arms rubbing against each other while you keep your gaze focused on the floor, along with your heart beating faster than ever.

The doors open and he begins walking again and before you know it, you're in Bruce's room. You quietly look around the room, or at least the things you can identify with no issue. Then, your eyes land on his bed. Bruce lets go of your hand, albeit with a noticeable hint of hesitance, before resting on the side of the bed facing the window, leaving you to take the other side. You anxiously lie down, facing away before he pulls the covers up, mumbling a quiet 'Good night' as he gets comfortable. You on the other hand, bite your lip and place your hand on your chest, feeling the rapid thump of your heart against your palm as you get pulled back into the depths of your mind.

Not before long, you start fidgeting around. Your arms shift every now and then as beads of sweat matted your hair to your forehead, your eyes screwed shut with whimpers of discomfort bouncing off the walls, slowly stirring the scientist next to you. Bruce quickly turns around and notices your frantic fidgeting and labored breathing, making him rub his mouth in thought to help.

Bruce hesitantly shifts closer to you and gently wraps an arm around you, causing you to stiffen up from the sudden act as he carefully pulls you close. The soothing warmth of his body envelopes your smaller frame, which puts you into a more-calmer state, though the opposite happens to the man instead. He feels the blood rushing all over his body, specifically, the one where your behind is comfortably resting on, and he bites his lip in an attempt to relax and, hopefully, not wake you up and create an awkward atmosphere.

Luckily, you turn around and subconsciously nuzzle your head into his chest, to which Bruce felt like his heart gave out from beating so much. And he didn't mind. Sure he was flustered all over, but he's glad to have seen how peaceful you were in his arms.

Maybe someday, he'll tell you he feels the same way. For now, he's content with being close to you.

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