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Karishma could read return of stony expressions and her heart started throbbing in her chest, anticipating her punishment, she at once bowed her head again and clenched her fists to brace herself. "Submit four day leave application and reach at this address tomorrow sharp at 9 am. There a dove sign will guide you to your punishment," Haseena ordered in cold voice passing a paper to her.

With utterly confused expressions, she once glanced at the address then at Haseena. Upon not getting anything else from her, she gave her a slight nod and left the cabin drowned in her own thoughts. "I had forgiven you long ago Karishma but I can't let you know that......I want you to overpower your anger issues once and for all......I know you will do anything for me but......I don't know how you will react tomorrow at the revelation," Haseena thought staring at the back of Karishma who was moving towards the desk with the paper in her hand.

Next morning Karishma reached the venue, only to find three different building in the premises, "What is how will I know, which one I need to enter?" she was mumbling to herself while looking here and there. It was then her eyes went on the dove sign logo beside the board lifeline and she remembered Haseena's words.

Entering that building, she witnessed about ten to 15 people sitting at different corners of the reception area apparently filling a form, "It seems some registration is going on......and this form too has that logo.......but what it is about? And why I am being sent here....?" These questions were roaming in her head when she heard a man in his late thirties talking over the phone, "I know mom this course is difficult than other anger management courses but court has put forth the condition for my daughter's custody that I have to pass this one, there is no question of difficulty left then I have to do it at any cost....."

"Oh, anger management course....." she realized and before she could think of anything else she heard another voice, "I am glad that their head has accepted me in her course, you know she herself led only one course in a year while all others were led by her staff. Even I have heard that whosoever pass the course never faces issues of uncontrolled anger.......i am just hoping that I could heal myself through this...."

Karishma smiled peacefully as she realized what Haseena wanted from her, "I knew it Haseena, you could never harm me.....however I had never thought that this will be the anger management course so that I can never lose my sanity again upon encountering such conditions.......i will cross this path regardless of its level of difficulty for reaching to you......" she thought to herself and walked towards the reception full of determination for taking the form.

All the 10 candidates belonging to different professions and age groups both male and female, were waiting for the course incharge in a room. At about 11 a.m. a lady entered the room, "Okay participants, I want to remind you all few things before you will meet you incharge. Your incharge will be our head doctor, firstly you will address her as mam, secondly, you will comply with her every command without question if you want to go through the course till end otherwise she will through you out of her session the very next moment. Thirdly, you ten are the lucky candidates of this year who are going to attend her sessions so take its full advantage and get yourself healed because she is the best you can get in India."

All gave her an impressed nod when she finally announced, "Please stand up for Head of the Lifeline institute, best psychologist of the country, Dr Haseena Malik!!" shock would be an understatement for what Karishma felt at the announcement and she at once turned towards the gate only to see her Haseena, her madam sir dressed in light pink simple kurti trouser with white coat and a duppatta in her neck, entering the venue. "Madam Sir!! Is it really" she could not hold herself and said loudly from the centre of all participants.

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