Chapter 1- Ivy's POV

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Authors Note:

Hi guys. If you look at my other works you may find a story similar to this one. They are the same story. I just rewrote it to make it more interesting. Also, I jumped around a lot with that last book. I hope you guys like this story. I would like to warn you guys, each chapter is a different point of view. It will mainly stick between two different people and every once in a while someone else. Anyways, enough of me talking. Enjoy and I hope y'all vote and comment. Let me know what you think. Love y'all .


"Living in the woods was my dream when I was little. Everything was so peaceful, and I just wanted to leave the orphanage. Away from the bullies, away from the life I never asked for, to be who I wanted to be. I always imagined that I had powers, powers to control the earth. Of course, nothing happened. Everything was perfect when I was in my imaginary world. Eventually, I would have to come back to reality. Sometimes I would imagine someone, a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes, coming to save me. I would imagine him so much that I would see him just watching from a distance. He was always in the woods behind the orphanage. I dreamed that he would come and take me far away from the orphanage. But as all little kids do, I grew up. I lost all hope for my made-up world. That would not stop it from coming into my dreams. They would be faint, almost as if a memory I am trying to remember. My dreams became more vivid closer to my 17th birthday. Almost like it wanted me to believe in it again. The dreams got to where it wasn't what I made it to be. There was so much death and darkness, where I had made up the world with life and happiness. It's almost like it is preparing me for something, but for what? I don't know. Tomorrow is my birthday, not that anyone will care or remember. But it lets me know I only have a year left in this dreadful place." 

I put my notebook down on my bedside table and look out the window, out into the woods. It was the only thing I did not mind about the orphanage. The woods and my room are beside them. If I could escape during the night, I would. It is not like anyone would notice anyway. It's not like I am ugly or annoying. I tend to keep to myself because of Max. Max was who you would say was the most popular. Everyone loved him and believed everything that he said, even if it was not true; for some reason, he hated me, no one else, just me. 

He came to this orphanage when I turned 15. That was also when my dreams started. I would like to believe he was why they came to my mind because he hurt me outside of my dreams; why not come in the only time I can have peace. That is crazy; there is no way that he could do that.

 Walking outside my room, I hear voices and I quickly hide behind the pillar. Not because I would get in trouble for being out, but because I knew who was talking and I was not ready to cross him. I don't want to cross him ever but especially not now. All I knew was he would ruin the somewhat good night I was having.

 The voices stopped. "I know you're here blondie" My heart was pounding as I hoped he was talking about some other blonde-headed girl that was hiding behind another pillar. "I'm talking to you, I see your shoes." I tried to stay hidden but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me from my hiding spot. "What do you want Max?" I try to ask without fear. "Now that isn't nice" He turned away from me to his buddies. " Now didn't I say she was a mean person?" "What do you want Max?" I say as I try to act confident. He turns back and my act falters. " You know what I want. I want you out of this orphanage. " He stops and his face lights up. " I think I know just how to do that. Kade, Dakota. Grab her and follow me. And you know what to do." 

They follow his orders as I struggle and shout, "What are you doing? Let go of me. Stop!!" Max snaps as Kade covers my mouth. We continued to walk and as we reached the end of the hallway we stopped. I struggle more and end up kicking the guy on my right. I know it hits the target when he grunts and loosens his grip. Without the second pair of arms holding me I was able to break loose. I started to turn around to run but was stopped by Max. His grip tightened on my arm. "Let me go. You're hurting me." He only tightened his grip and I continued to struggle. "Quit struggling!" My arm was hurting and I knew my arm was going to be bruised.

 Struggling as hard as I could, he turned around and slapped me. I was caught off guard and grabbed my face. It was throbbing and I tried not to cry. "I said to quit struggling. That slap was only the beginning of what I can do. Do you want to test me?" I didn't answer in fear I would be hit again. He continued talking. " Why not get rid of you? No one would notice you were gone. You may believe that they would notice but they don't. They don't know what you could be. What you are meant to be." I was confused and looked at Kade and Dakota to see if they knew what he was talking about but they were emotionless and didn't even look like they were breathing. It was almost as if time was frozen and the only thing that was moving was Max and me. "Who I am meant to be? What are you talking about?" "There is no need for you to know now. Not when I am finished with you." "Max. What are you talking about? No one likes me. Why do you hate me so much? Why do you make it your goal to make my life miserable? To make people hate me? Haven't you done enough?" 

The air turned frigid around me and he looked at me with dark eyes. "I haven't done enough until you are gone." I didn't know what he was talking about, but I knew that it wasn't anything good with the look in his eyes. The air went back to normal and Kade and Dakota were moving again. "How did you do that Max? How did you make time stand still?" He laughed as if I said the funniest thing in the world but his eyes said anything but that. " I didn't do anything. I think you are just imagining things." I knew that wasn't the case but I knew better than to question him. But why did I find myself asking him again, "How did you do that? I know you did something."

 He looked at me with fire in his eyes and he looked like he was about to say something but stopped. We heard a whooshing noise and we all turned around. A fire had lit up behind us. Not one of us had started it but I had a hunch feeling that it was because of Max. I turned to them with panic coursing through me. "We have to get out of here." Max looked back at me with a glint in his eyes. "Correction. You aren't going anywhere. Not when we aren't through with you."

 Somewhere in our conversation, he had let go of my arm. I never noticed because the grip had caused my arm to go numb. I started backing up slowly but didn't realize how close I was to the wall. I was trapped with nowhere to go. I couldn't hide my fear any longer. The fire was getting stronger but my fear was with Max as he walked towards me. I didn't know why he hated me so much, I did nothing to him. "What are you going to do to me?" My voice was barely over a whisper because the fear was making it hard to speak. "I told you. I don't want you here" "I can leave. You don't have to do anything. I can leave and you'll never have to see me again."

 He laughed. "If only that were the case. If only that is all I wanted. But I know what you are capable of and better to get rid of you here and now while you don't know what you are capable of." I wanted to ask him more but never got the chance as the wind was knocked out of my lungs and I fell to the floor. I was kicked in the stomach and pulled back up by my hair. I was hurting and dizzy because of the loss of breath. I couldn't keep myself up but had to because of the hold on my hair. We were right beside the staircase and Max dragged me to it. " You will never get in the way of what I planned to do." He said as he threw me down the stairs.

 I screamed and my vision was going in and out. He came down to meet me at the next flight of stairs and threw me down again. I hated the pain I was in. I was losing my hold on staying awake. He came down to meet me again and threw me down the last flight of stairs. He ran back up to his buddies and I lay on the bottom of the staircase watching the flames get closer with blurry vision. The blackness came to greet me as a shadow was cast over me.


Authors Note: 

Yay!!! The first chapter is done. I will try to update once a week or more if I can. I hope you liked it will continue to read it.  Please vote and comment. Let me know what you think. Love y'all. <3

John 3:16

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