Chapter 4- Jace's POV

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My brothers ran in front of me as my dad followed behind. 

"Where'd she go?" Connor asked. 

Running a hand through my hair, I said, "I don't know. The woods are her element. For all we know, she could be blended into a tree or a bush. We don't know what she's capable of doing.",

 " Jace is right. We are unfamiliar with everything the person with the life element has. Even if her ancestors had different powers, there's no telling what new things she will have. Keep a lookout. And try not to scare her." My dad told us. 

The air changed, and I felt something moving near us. Looking down, I glimpse vines wrapping around Connor's legs, and he hollered.

"What the crap? Why is she doing this to me? I didn't do anything." he tried burning the vines off, but they became more powerful.

 I looked at my dad and saw he was looking at Connor with a suspicious look. He saw me looking at him with confusion, and when he masked his face, I knew better than to ask him about it.

 "Cody, stay with your brother and try to get those vines off of him. Jace and I will go look for Ivy." My dad motions for me to continue looking, and I turn away from my brothers, who are fighting back vines. 

There were too many trees around for me to feel for Ivy. I could hear the movement of the leaves but no Ivy. 

"Jace, can you feel her?" My dad asked. 

"No, I can't. All I feel is the movement in the trees and the air around us.",

 "Okay, Jace, I want you to try something. Concentrate on the air around you. Try to get everything distracting to disappear. Make it pause." 

Closing my eyes, I concentrated on everything around me. The air shifted as I gained control.

 "That's it, Jace. Just concentrate. When you put everything on pause. Listen to the wind and what it is telling you." 

At that moment, everything paused. It was just me and the wind. The leaves were no longer moving and I focused on the wind. I heard a scream and was startled, opening my eyes to find my dad looking at me. 

"Did you hear that?", 

"No, I didn't. I'm not the one who can control the air." 

My dad looked at me amazed and soon turned to pride when I said, " I know where she is." We followed where I had heard the scream.

 The trees and the ground seemed to get angrier as we got closer to where I heard her. It's almost like the forest could feel Ivy's panic. The leaves grew louder as we heard a scream just like I did earlier. 

My dad spotted her from where we were and I looked over. She had fallen and vines started forming around her like a dome. We ran over to her and I tried to take the vines off her but jerked my hand away when thorns stuck into my hands.

 My dad reached out to pull the vines but stopped short as I said," Watch out for the thorns."

 He continued to reach for the vines avoiding the thorns. He successfully removed the vines away from an unconscious Ivy.

 I remembered the first time I used my powers. I was exhausted but I was also prepared for everything. 

"Jace, bring her back to the house, but I want you to stay with her. Should've realized she would run as soon as she woke up. And try to be patient with her. I know how you get sometimes." 

As I picked Ivy up, Cody and Connor came running preparing to fight. I laughed and said, " What has both of your panties in a twist?", 

"Do I need to remind you that she tried to attack me?" Connor said. 

"Aww. Poor wittle Connor scared of a couple of vines.",

" You'd be scared too if you had been attacked. What was her problem?" 

I was about to answer but Cody beat me to it. 

"She just turned 17 Connor. Meaning her powers are new and she may have not realized she did it. Remember how you were when you first got yours? You almost started a forest fire." 

Connor still looked annoyed but he didn't continue anymore. We walked back to the house and I headed to set Ivy down. Looking at the room I had originally put her in, I decided to take her to my room instead. 

Once I set her down, I sat in the chair that was by my bed just watching Ivy sleep. At one point I must have dozed off because I was startled awake when I kept hearing someone say, "no... no... no." 

My eyes instantly went to Ivy and noticed she kept moving. Her eyes were squinched and her mouth was in a frown. "No... no... no" she kept muttering. I tried to shake her and wake her up, but she stayed asleep. "No... no... No!" 

The no's stopped and that's when I noticed a pair of sparkling green eyes were looking at me.


Author's Note:

More to come. Let me know what you think. Vote and comment. Love y'all. <3

Romans 12:2

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