I - Fiery Blood of the Hatamoshis

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Carole was knocked away, bouncing off of the ground and coughing out blood. She was then knocked into base, putting her hand over her mouth and still coughing out blood. After all, her body was heavily damaged as well as suffering a threatening wound. Her eyes would widen as she coughed, the villain would stare down at the female Saiyan as his hair flowed through the wind.

"This is utterly disappointing...You're a great challenge, but seeing you fall this far makes me feel...disappointed. I hope you have a good time in the afterlife."

She would breathe heavily, blood dripping from her forehead with her right eye closed fully; the pain was unbearable, but she needed to fight! She needed to! It was what she needed to do, and so she would stand with an angry expression on her face, seemingly done with all of this. The villain stared on, wondering what she could even do anymore, she may as well be dead.

"Y-You don't understand me...You never will! I will never give up, I am Carole Hatamoshi, the strongest!"

She roared, the frustration would now show on her eyes, but it was still in her expression as well. She was barely able to stand, which the opponent noticed; he would stare at her with a sigh, she had gone insane.

"Well, then let me entertain you, Carole Hatamoshi. I am Yoku, the most powerful being in existence, stronger than even the likes of you. After all, what have you done against me that has seriously damaged me? In fact, I've basically destroyed your spirit as well as your mind, seeing as it seems like you're going insane with power."

Carole would growl, she wasn't going insane! She was going win somehow, but how? She had to think fast, unless she would die; what would her father do? What had Major taught her? She would begin to remember a lost memory, something that her dad once told her.

"Carole, do you know about our bloodline?"

Major spoke with a calm voice whilst sitting a top of a massive cliff, a noticeably younger Carole would shake her head, the 7 year old responding in a confused voice.

"I don't, can you tell me about it please, dad?"

She spoke, staring up at her father as he glanced at her; he would laugh a bit before picking her up and placing his daughter onto her lap. He would begin to speak about the Hatamoshi bloodline and such, but one thing stuck out: 4 words.

"Fiery Blood of Family."

The younger Carole would look up at Major, staring at him before asking a singular question.

"Well, you see...Fiery Blood of Family is a technique only accessible to our bloodline. It boosts your power by a large margin, but can destroy your body in the process, which is why I won't teach it to you now. Okay?"

He spoke, smiling whilst speaking in a serious tone of voice as well as a kind tone; he would do this as to not scare Carole, to which this would work. She would then nod, seemingly interested in the topic but not wanting to continue. And then, a bit of the sentence would repeat itself.

"Fiery Blood of Family is a technique..."

Carole was staring at the ground, positioning herself into a fighting stance. She wouldn't even stare at Yoku at all, she stayed in her base form; Carole didn't say a single word at this point.

"Only accessible to our bloodline."

That's when it clicked, Carole would look up; her skin changing to a red that looked exactly like blood. Her blood would begin to boil to extreme levels as well as an aura appearing that seemed like it had faces inside of it. In fact, it was the faces of the ancestors and even descendants of the Hatamoshi bloodline. Steam would emit from her body. She would grit her teeth in pain, this is what it felt, huh. Her father was right, it was too much!

But then, she would feel what seemed to be two hands on her shoulders, seemingly calming down for a second. It was her mother, Artic and her father, Major. They said the same exact thing, both of their voices feeling like a hundred voices.

"Go get him, Daughter."

Yuko would widen his eyes, watching as Carole disappeared in an instant and appearing in front of him with one singular strike towards his stomach, but he would create a barrier. She would strike the barrier, putting her full force into her fist and starting to shove it through the barrier; though, by doing this, her hand was cut up by the same force she was putting out, but she wouldn't stop as she would then shove her entire arm through his stomach.


Yuko would cough out blood, as Carole would breathe heavily, trying to keep a hold on the technique before gritting her teeth and screaming aloud. Her fiery eyes were now visible to Yuko, she was screaming her lungs out; it was like she wanted the whole word to hear her.


It would suddenly get extremely warm around Carole's fist that was plunged into Yuko's stomach, as the male would start to scream in pain; the female would feel the burning sensation. Was this what she had just been feeling? It was...so intense! Soon enough, powerful flames would engulf the male, he would scream out with Carole only able to keep the technique away due to the adrenaline that she felt; she would then see as Yuko would burn away in the flames, the last thing he saw was Carole standing with the blood red aura surrounding her.

"T-The Hatamoshi family...truly is strong."

Yuko spoke, being devoured by the flames entirely and turning into nothing. All that was left was his blue scarf; Carole would look at the scarf, reverting to her base. The female would then take a singular step, but her body would freeze as her eyes changed to a full colour of white. She would land on her knees and held her mouth with both of her hands, soon blood would spill out of her mouth; the blood coming out of her wound was more intense, as well as her vomiting blood as well. The vomiting would stop, but she soon would fall unconscious; the pain was just too much for her. The fight had ended, and a new door had been opened.

P.S: if you happen to want more of these, then just say and I'll do more maybe. :>

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