Chapter 3

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Three years later, and it's the day of Shoto's coronation ceremony and people are arriving at the kingdom.

"Welcome to Arendelle!" The dockmaster shouted to the guests. "Watch your step, please. The gates will be opening soon."

A mother tries to put a jacket on her son.

"Why do I have to wear this?" The boy whined and tried to take it off but his mother fixed it.

"Because the Prince has come of age. It's Coronation Day!"

"That's not my fault." The boys say as a May Pole is being raised, on the other side of it a grown Sero and Kirishima.

"What do you want?" Sero asked the reindeer who was wagging his tail, like a dog.

"Give me a snack!" Sero pretended to be Kirishima, Sero held up a carrot.

"What's the magic word?" Sero asked.

"Please!" Kirishima 'said' and jumped up and grabbed the carrot in Sero's hand.

"Hey! Share!" Sero said and slightly glared at his friend, Kirishima gives the rest of the carrot to Sero, who rolls his eyes and takes a bite out of it.

A very excited couple walks past Sero and Kirishima.

"I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!" The man said.

"And for a whole day! Faster, Persi!" The woman said and grabbed her husband and ran towards the castle.

"Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner." A short man said with his sidekicks on each side of him. "Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets and exploit your riches. Did I say that out loud?"

Two men started to talk to each other about the royal family.

"Oh, my sore eyes can't wait to see the Prince and the Princesses. I bet they're absolutely lovely."

"I bet they are very handsome and beautiful."


Inside of the castle, Y/n is asleep in her room, snoring when there's a knock on her door.

"Y/n?" Her sister knocked, Y/n sat up with her eyes closed, and her hair was all messed up.

"Yeah?" She called and moved a hair out of her mouth.

"Sorry to wake you, but-"

"No, no, no. You didn't." She yawned. "I've been up for hours." She started to nod off again when she shot awake again. "Who is it?"

"It's still me, sis. The gates will open soon, time to get ready." Fuyumi said and entered the room.

"Of course! Ready for what?" Y/n asked, with her eyes closed.

"Our brother's coronation, sis," Fuyumi said and sat on her bed.

"Our brother's coronation... " Y/n trailed off and noticed her sister in front of and looked over her sister and saw her (f/c) coronation dress. She bolted up and gasped. "It's coronation day!"

She quickly changed and grabbed her sister's hand, and the sisters rushed off down the hallway.

The servants open the windows and doors of the castle.

(Play Song)

"The window is open! So's that door! We didn't know they did that anymore," Y/n sang, and she noticed servants carrying in plates.

"Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates." Fuyumi sang and they slid into the ballroom.

"For years we roamed these empty halls, Why have a ballroom with no balls?" Y/n sang, and she slid down the stairs with Fuyumi running down after her. "Finally they're opening up the gates! There'll be actually real-life people."

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