Chapter 9

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The palace doors burst open and the giant snowman is holding Y/n, Sero and Fuyumi in his hands.

"Stop. Put us down!" Y/n yelled.

"Go away!" The snowman tossed the three down the icy steps and they slid down going past Kirishima who had his tongue stuck to the railing. The snowman then threw Denki.

"Heads up!" Denki yelled and his head got stuck in snow on a rock near the three. "Watch out for my butt!"

Y/n and Sero duck as the rest of Denki's body slams into the snow, Y/n picks up some snow and makes a snowball.

"It is not nice to throw people!" She shouted in anger, Sero stopped her and grabbed hold of her.

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa! Feisty pants." Sero said.

"Let me GO!" Y/n yelled, Fuyumi grabbed her other arm.

"Okay, relax. Just calm down." Fuyumi said.

"Calm down!" Sero exclaimed.

"Okay! Alright! I'm okay!" Y/n sighed and calmed down.

"Just let the snowman be." Sero said.

"I'm calm." Y/n said and Sero and Fuyumi slowly let her go and turned around.

"Great." Sero smiled, suddenly Y/n growled angrily and threw the snowball at the giant snowman. "Oh, come on!"

The snowball hit the giant snowman on the back and he grew spikes on his back and roared.

"See now you made him mad!" Sero yelled.

"I'll distract him. You guys go." Denki said and Y/n, Fuyumi, Sero and Kirhsima ran off, at the same time the rest of Denki's body fell off the snowbank and ran off. "No, no! Not you guys!"

The giant snowman goes after the others and as he walks off his head falls down into the snow.

"This just got a whole lot harder."

As the giant snowman chases after them, Fuyumi grabs a branch of a tree.

"What are you doing?" Sero asked, Fuyumi released the branch and as it snapped upright it knocked the snowman back.

"I got him!" Fuyumi laughed and the others joined them and ran off when the edge of a cliff made them stop.

"Whoa! Stop!" Sero pushed the sisters back.

"It's a hundred foot drop." Y/n gasped.

"It's two hundred." Sero corrected and tied the rope around Fuyumi and Y/n waist tighty.


He then tied the other end around his own waist, he then turned to picked up the ax.

"What's that for?" Fuyumi asked.

"I'm digging a snow anchor." He replied and kept digging.

"Okay. What if we fall?" Y/n asked.

"There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there, it'll be like landing on a pillow." He paused and whispered. "Hopefully." They hear the snowman approaching. "Okay, guys. On three."

"Okay." Y/n said.


"You tell me when, I'm ready to go." Y/n said and pounced on her feet.


"I was born ready! Yes!"

"Calm down." Fuyumi chuckled. Suddenly a huge tree flies through the air and lands in front of them.

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