Chapter 3: Grandmother

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When I walked into the familiar room, I was pleased to see that nothing had changed. It still had the green sheets from last summer, and the wooden furniture. I smiled because this was one of my favorite rooms in my father whole house. My suit case was on the bed, and I walked over to it to change into something more fit to have dinner with my father in. I didn't feel like getting dressed up, so I just threw on some comfy clothes which turned out to be black pants, white shoes, and a lose shirt which I threw a jacket over because I still hadn't gotten rid of the internal chill I got on the drive from the airport. I checked my watch and saw that I probably still had an hour before dinner usually was ready. I decided to go down to the kitchen where I had made a few friends during my earlier stays. I crossed my arms as I walked down the cold empty hallways, and I finally found the kitchen. When I walked in, there was a bunch of steam coming out of a pot of boiling potatoes, and Lacy was chopping up other vegetables at a rustic counter top. "Lacy!" I said, and she looked up in surprise, but grinned when she saw me. "Esme, me missed you a' loads." she said, and stopped what she was doing to come over and give me a hug. I always thought her accent was the best part of her personality, and I'm fairly sure it sounded Irish. "Is it 'a summer all 'a ready? My, my, your 'a lookin prettier and 'a prettier every time I 'a see ya." she said, and smiled, "Same to you." I said, and she waved a hand away, "I'm 'a old lady, me days of 'a struttin I sad to say are 'a over." she said, and I smiled, "Never" I said, and she walked back over to the carrots she was chopping, "Your 'a too kind 'a person, Esme." she said, and I followed her over to her work area. "Can I help?" I asked gesturing to the carrots, and she beamed, "If ya up to 'a challenge there." she said, and I nodded, then she gave me a knife and a couple carrots. The conversation was nice, and I loved listening to her accent every time she talked. I helped her finish the rest of the dinner, and picked up a few skills on how to cook chicken that made it soft and tender. "Now 'a go to find you father, I'm 'a sure he wants to 'a see you before dinner." she said, and I nodded, "Oh, 'a thanks for the help Esme." she said and I waved at her as I left the kitchen. I walked down the hall and I spotted Mr. Fuser. I looked over at him and he wasn't wearing his secret agent sun glasses anymore. He shot me a look and if I wasn't mistaken I thought I caught pity. I was confused by the look, but suddenly I was blinded by spikes of pain. White hot pain struck into my head and I cried out as I fell to the floor. The pain disappeared as soon as quickly as it came. I was breathing hard and it took me a moment to gather my thought and survey my surroundings. I rubbed my temples because I had a horrible headache, and I rubbed my face with my hands as I tried to forget the shakiness I felt down to my core. I tried to stand up, but my knees gave out and I slouched against the wall. I was overcome by nausea, but I started towards the dining room anyway.

By the time I arrived I felt slightly better. The elegant dining room had two place settings, and I knew they were for my father and me. My father walked up behind me with a big smile, "Wow, I have been having such a busy day. How was your flight?" he asked as he led me toward the large Victorian dining table. "Uh, It was like all other flights, Long." I said, and he didn't seem to hear me because he looked down at his phone and seemed was texting someone back. There was a few minutes of him texting and me sitting there awkwardly before he looked up again, "What was that?" he asked, "I said the flight was long." He nodded and glanced down at his phone again. He looked up briefly, "So, the flight was long?" he asked, and I gave him a small nod, "But there was a really nice lady I sat next to that made it not seem as long." I said, and he glanced down at his phone and then back up at me to give me a small nod. Lacy brought out the food, and it smelled amazing. She gave us our plates and I thanked her while my father didn't even seem to notice the plate was out in front of him. I picked up the fork and took a few bites before he looked up again, "Wow, yummy." he said, and he took a few bites in between glancing at his phone. Suddenly his phone started ringing, and it made me jump. He held up a finger, and walked out of the room. I let out a long irritated breath, and I knew I was going to have to have patience if I was going to stay here all summer. He walked back into the dining room several minutes later with a grim expression, "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" he asked me, and I was surprised by the question, "Uh, bad news first, I guess." I said, and he nodded as he took his seat once again. "I have a very important business meeting in China." he watched for my reaction, but I stayed neutral, "How do you feel about staying with your grandmother until I get back?" he asked, and I stood up in protest, and he seemed to be expecting that. "Dad, I came here to see you, is this really more important than that?" I asked, and he flinched, "Sweetie, this is huge for my company. It could totally change everything." he said, and I glared at him, "Whatever" I said, and he looked hurt, but I didn't care. I started toward the exit, "I'll have Mr. Fuser drive you over tonight." he said, and I wanted to yell at him, but I kept walking.

I walked straight back to my room, and I was suddenly furious. I kicked my suit case which was already repacked, probably by one of the maids. It hurt my toes, but the pain almost felt good. I walked into the bathroom to wash my face. My bright green eyes were blazing with anger, and I did not look like a teen who is on summer vacation. I rolled my suit case down to the front of the house were Mr. Fuser was waiting, along with my father. He gave me a small smile as I walked up, and I just glared at him. He went in for a hug but I stepped away and walked through the front door that Mr. Fuser was holding open. I glanced back and saw the pain in his eye, and I didn't know how I felt about it. I got into the limo, and Mr. Fuser got into the driver's seat. We drove away from my father's huge home, and onto the dark small road. I was quiet for a long time until I decided to make conversation, "Does my grandmother know about me?" I asked, and Mr. Fuser glanced back, "I don't know much Ms. Spinder, but I do know that your father doesn't have the best relationship with his mother, so I would assume your grandmother only knows a little of you." he said, and I looked out of the window, "Is she rich like my father?" I asked with a grimace, and he gave me a small laugh, "I have never heard of anyone who hates family money like you." he said, "She lives in an old castle, which is also a school." he said, and I looked up at that, "What?" I asked, and he gave me a small laugh, "Your grandmother had such a huge beautiful home, that she decided to open up a school. Although, it's not a normal school." he said, and I gave him a weird look in the rear view mirror. "There are rumors going around that the school is full of kids who are odd or can do odd things." he said. "Like.... Special ED.?" I asked, and he shook his head, "No." he said, and I pondered what he could possibly mean. Then he turned a corner and I saw a bunch of lights in the distance and huge beautiful castle up on a mountain. My mouth dropped open, "Is that," I started to say, and Mr. Fuser nodded, "Yep, That's your grandmother's home." he said, and he smiled at my shocked expression.

I was staring out of the window the whole drive up the mountain, and when we pulled up to the front, I had to remind myself that I live in the 21st century. Mr. Fuser stopped the car and a few students stopped to look at the limo in curiosity. He walked over and opened my door. A few people were looking at me, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the catsle. I was handed my suitcase and we walked up to the huge grand entrance. A nice old lady opened it up. It was the old lady from the airplane. "Esme! I told you we would be seeing one another again." she said, and I stared at her open-mouthed. "You're my grandmother?" I asked, and she smiled, "But of course." she said rolling her eyes. She looked over at Mr. Fuser, "Thank you kind sir for delivering my granddaughter." she said. He did a little bow, "My pleasure Ma'am." he said, and walked back to the limo and drove away. I looked back at Ginny, she looked at the few kids watching, and she shooed them away, "Oh, don't all of you have classes to get too?" she asked in a playful tone, and they scattered. "Don't stand their freezing, come along." she said, and pulled me inside. She led me into the beautiful entryway which was elegant and very intricate. She saw me looking around and she smiled, "French castles have always been the most elegant." she said, and I nodded. She led me down a few magnificent hallways and we passed a few students along the way. "Oh, he did tell you this was a school, right?" she asked, and I gave her a nod. "There are about 350 students that actually live here plus the students that come for school daily, and the teachers who also live here." she said as we went around twists and turns. I was totally lost by the time she stopped at a door. "I think you will like this room." she said, and I opened the door. It was beautiful room. There was hint of light blue among the furniture and a huge bay window overlooking a gorgeous forest. Everything in the room looked antique and I loved it. "Wow" was all I could say to her, and she was smiling ear to ear. "You should get some rest because tomorrow I have a lot to tell you." she said in a mysterious way, and I watched her leave the room. I looked around the room for a few minutes then I slipped into my pajamas and jumped onto the very comfy looking bed. It was even more comfortable than it looked and I was instantly asleep when my head hit the pillow. What was this place? Who was my grandmother? Why have I never heard my father or mother talk about her? 

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