Chapter Five

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Chapter Five -

     "Welcome back, Agent 02." The device said. I looked at the palm of my hand and moved the device to the table. I bowed in submission. "What is your report?" The woman asked. I looked up to her and stood up straight. My face kept the poker face on as I spoke.

     "The attack on the academy was an incident. I was there and I was snooping around when I found these." I told her in my normal voice. I pulled out one of the crystals and showed it to her. "What is it?" She asked. "Im not exactly sure but it's not stabilized. It caused the explosion." I told her. She shook her head in disappointment. "Good job. Figure that thing out and get back to me whenever it can be useful." She told me.

    "Anything else to report?" She asked. "Yes, the place I broke into had this book-" I pulled out the book from my bag and showed it to her. "It's written in the old Noxian language. I went back to see if the person who got this knew how to read this but I am sure he does not. I suppose he simply stumbled across it and tried to understand it." I told her.  "I believe you. You are a champion among champions such a shame you wanted to be a spy." She said shaking her head.

   "With all due respect... I did not want to cause destruction everywhere I go." I told her. She chuckled and smiled. "I remember the days when you would massacre villages and nations by the wave of my hand. You are a killing machine." She said. "It's something I'm not going back to doing." I replied. "Unfortunate."

     "You remind me of my daughter. However, you're willing to do what is necessary." She said. I looked up to her and smiled. "Thank you." I told her. She chuckled before sitting down. "Anyone important to you so far? Maybe a friend or a lover?" This question caught me off guard. No one popped in my head and my reply was simple. "No. Never. I'm a spy. My sole purpose is to serve Noxus." I told her before bowing my head down.

   "At least I know where your loyalties lie. I was hoping to bring you back home so you don't get lonely. I could even sneak your friends into Noxus." She paused before she spoke again.

"Don't you get lonely?"

"All the time but I think it's necessary for a spy." I replied. "It makes me feel human." I lied. She was quiet before she got up and went to the device. "I know you just use loneliness as a punishment from the people you killed." She told me while staring into my eyes. "Anything else?" She asked. I was quiet. "I'm going to turn myself in for the explosion at the academy. Can I count on you to get me out?" I asked her. This was the most I had asked of her.

She paused before smiling. "Anything for my champion." She replied before clicking the device on her end. The small hologram of her disappeared and I was met with darkness. The hollowness in my chest remained.

It doesn't matter if I'm in Noxus killing people or here in the Lanes with my friends. I will always be alone. Someone told me long ago if I made my first kill then there was no turning back. I only did the kill to please my superiors but I wish I can take it back. I fell in love with how easily bodies dropped to the floor and soon I became numb to it. The high I wanted was no longer accessible to me and I switched careers. What I did was necessary but I do wish it didn't cost my sisters life in the process. War is an ugly thing and it's even uglier when it's innocent people getting caught in the middle.

I walked out of the small room in the tattoo shop. "This is the last time you will see me. Goodbye." I told the owner. He nodded. "Don't die." He told me before turning back to his work. Russians and their harsh ways. I walked to Benzo's shop. I needed some materials in case I couldn't get out of the prison by her help.

The smell of dead bodies filled my nose and I found myself running towards the direction. I finally turned the corner and saw Benzo dead. There was two officers next to him dead as well and I quickly looked inside the shop. "Ekko?" I asked. There was no response and I turned to leave.

On the way out I saw a small coin in the blood. I picked it up and stared at it. "I haven't been gone that long and things already gone to shit." I mumbled. My feet took me to the familiar bar.

It was empty. I quietly made my way downstairs and heard commotion. "What the hell is ruckus about?" I asked while opening the door. Powder looked at me and then at her gadgets. "I'm going to help Vi." She told me and grabbed her stuff. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Benzo's dead. Vander was taken by someone and Vi, Mylo and Claggor went to bring him back." She told me. I nodded and pulled out my gun. It was hidden in my boot for any case of emergencies. "I'm coming." I told her and put on my vest. It was bulletproof.

"Where did you get a gun from?" She asked. "Got it off one of the enforcers" I lied. Her eyes brightened. "Cool!" She exclaimed before pulling out her crystals. "Don't use those. They caused a big explosion last time." I said and grabbed her hand. She nodded and came with me. "Do you know where they went?" I asked and walked out of The Last Drop.

"Ekko does."

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