Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight - Home

My wig made my head itch but I refrained from scratching. The dark clothing I chose to wear didn't make me stand out and I was glad two people tried to jump me. I ended up just taking their stuff.

I made my way inside and there was people there. They stopped talking and watched me sit down at a nearby booth. My hood covered my head and their attention was on me. So much for the disguise."Who the hell are you?" The main man asked. I recognized him as one of the regulars at the bar. "Im an old friend of Vanders. Where is he?" I spoke in my English accent.

"He's dead. You're not from around here are you? The Lanes is in chaos looking for Silco." He told me. "Who's Silco?" I asked taking my hood off. There was silence as they looked at me. "He's the one who killed Vander. He's trying to take over The Lanes and wants The Last Drop." A woman spoke up. I looked at her and then to the crowd. "Well, let's look for this 'Silco' then?" I said.

"I need the names of the people Silco works with and any information you have on him." I said taking out a napkin. I gave him a pencil and he looked at it. "I don't know how to write." He admitted. "I only know the two women that walked out on Vander." He told me.

"I need names." I stated.

"Sevika and Lilith. Sevika is now Silco's second...Lilith is a woman who occasionally helps out." He told me before I walked out. "Sevika and Lilith? Lilith seems disposable."

My stomach began to turn. I walked into an ally and turned to the right. I was walking for 30 minutes— following my gut until I walk up on an old building. "Lilith...we can talk about this."

"Give me what you owe me!"

My eyes flickered to the door knob and I turned it. I was face to face with a woman holding her gun up to another woman. "Who are you?" The woman named Lilith asked. "I'm your Karma." I replied before sweeping her feet from underneath. She fell down and dropped her gun in surprise.

I pulled my own gun out before waving the other lady off. "Get out." I told her and she looked at me scared. The woman looked at me and the gun. "Now!" I yelled and she scurried away. I turned to the other woman on the floor. "So you must be the Lilith." I finally said.

The look on her face had confusion, fear but mostly submission. "Who are you and what do you want?" Lilith asked. "Oh my, where are my manners?" I laughed a bit before continuing. "My real name is — but first I need you to answer some of my questions...and to show you that I'm not joking..." I shot her in the leg and on the arm.

She screamed in pain and I kneeled down to her. "Where is Vi?" I yelled. She didn't budge so I moved my fingers to her leg— I applied pressure to the wound and dug around. "I-I don't know! All I know is that after the explosion almost everyone died. If they weren't killed by the explosion they died by the fire." Lilith said. She moaned in pain. "Where is the little girl?" I asked. "Silco...he has her. She's like his daughter now." I stopped and pondered.

Is this the person erased from my memories? It wouldn't make sense if they turned so easily. This has to be someone else. Vi is dead. Mylo is dead. Claggor is dead. Vander is dead. There is no point in staying here. "Thanks for nothing." I told her before aiming the gun to her head. "No-" The sound of the third gunshot rang through the air. Her face was frozen in time. "You're fight is over." I said before getting up and leaving.

I pulled out the small device. "Two calls in one day? What could have happened?" She answered quickly. I paused before answering.

"I'm ready to go back." I said. She was slightly shocked and nodded. "Very well. Get on this ship...G7390 there is a man named Gerald. He can smuggle you to Noxus." She told me. "Where are you?"

"Not in Noxus. Im dealing with some...matters at the moment." I nodded. "I'll be home when you're there." She added and ended the call. I sigh and grabbed my stuff. I had two bags—one with personal belongings and the other with what I stole from the Academy.

I slowly walked to the docks but my legs made their way to the place I used to train Vi. I looked at the big machine. Never did I ever go against the machine even though Vi told me to. I sigh before dropped my stuff and looked up at it. I flipped the switch and it turned on.

My hand made contact with the cushion and Mylo's face on the metal cover. I screamed in anger as I blocked and hit. I didn't realize it but I was pouring my heart out.

The machine finally slowed down and I looked up at my score. I had beat all of Vi's scores. "I have to let you go. All of you." I told myself before grabbing the metal plate of Mylo's face. I threw it across the room in anger before grabbing my stuff and leaving. This isn't the first time I failed to save someone close to me.

I quickly walked to the docks and heard a ship getting ready for sail. My eyes searched for the ship number and stopped once I found it. "G7390."

I pulled my hood over my head and walked into the ship. "I'm uh..I'm looking for Gerald." I told someone. The woman looked at me up and down before pointing to a man with an eyepatch. "That's him." She said before leaving with the box she was carrying.

"Gerald, Ambessa sent me." I mumbled as I gave him a handshake. He quickly nodded before pointing to behind him. It was around the ship and he motioned me to follow him. I did and he looked around to make sure no one was looking. Once he was satisfied he quickly opened a loose floorboard and motioned me to go inside. I did and was met with a disgusting smell.

"Stay quiet. We have to pass inspection and then you will be here for about... a month or so." I nodded and he closed the board back up. I turned and saw people here. There were women, children and men. Immigrants who wanted to leave the Undercity. I just closed my eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

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