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"So, Sanemi-San, have you seen any attractive girls at school today?" Kanae said being really nosy. Sanemi's face started getting beat red as he said "uhhh, n-no. Why do you ask?".

"I don't know. I was just wondering."

"What about you? Have you seen anybody good looking around?" Sanemi asked being nosy right back to Kanae. "Hmm, well there is this one guy. He is really cute, and sometimes he is even more adorable." Kanae teased even though Sanemi didn't know that she was talking about him.

"Oh really, I hope he is really nice to you. Because if he isn't then Ima punch him in the face." He said while balling his right hand into a fist slapping his left hand.

"Haha, very funny Sanemi. He is a sweetheart towards me."

"I guess she doesn't have very many feelings for me. I need to stay in the friend zone for now." Sanemi thought to himself. He got really upset when she said that she liked someone. He wanted to know who it is, but he knew it would be rude to ask so he kept his mouth shut about it.

"Looks like we are here. Kiyo, Sumi, Naho! Over here!" Kanae said while waving to them letting them know where she was. The three girls came running to them hugging Kanae at the same time.

"Oh, well aren't you guys in a good mood today?"

"We are extra happy to see you today because we have a surprise for you Kana-chan!" Said Naho as she was rubbing her hands together in front of her in a nervous manner.

"Oh yeah? Well, let's wait until we get home and then you can tell me ok!?" "Ok Kana-chan." All three girls said in unison. Kiyo and Naho grabbed both of Kanae's hands leaving Sumi having to occupy one of Sanemi's hands.


"Order up!" Said Tanjiro on the other side of the counter setting the food down. "On the way." Said Nezuko quickly serving some food to a table. They both work at the little Tomioka Cafe across the street from the apartment complexes that they live in. They both love working there, and it gives them enough money to pay for everything they need.

Nezuko started walking to the counter where Tanjiro set the food at when her eye started twitching. She thought it was just because she was tired, so she didnt think about it to much. She grabbed the food, and started walking to the table that ordered the food when two rambunctious boys ran in rough housing and bumped into her.

"Ugh!! Hey, watch where you guys are going!" Nezuko yelled. Tanjiro ran out of the kitchen after hearing the commotion.

"What's going on?"

"I'm so sorry ma'am." A yellow haired boy with orange tips said while bowing. "And you!!" Nezuko screamed while pointing to the other boy who said his name was Inosuke this morning. Of course it would be him. "Do you even know how to respect a girl? Or anyone for that matter?"

"I dont know what the hell you are talking about!" Inosuke said while balling his fists up and putting them on the side of his hips. *Bang*!! They all looked the direction to were the sound came from. It was Giyu Tomioka. "You two get the hell out of here." He said while pointing at the two boys to get out. "And you two get back to work." He said to Tanjiro and Nezuko.

Giyu isnt the one who owns the cafe. It's his parents, but since they are always gone for business trips him and his sister runs it. "Aoi! Can you please come clean this mess up!?" Giyu said in a loud voice. Aoi works at the cafe too, that's why she didnt go home with Shinobu and Kanao. "I'm coming!" She said while wheeling out a cart of cleaning supplies.

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