Damn Shots

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???'s POV

I heard screaming in the other room. I knew what it was from. Those damn shot they give us.

'They' were an elite force called The Personal Expirimental Group, or PEG for short. They capture people that were born with differences. Like me, for example. I have two stripes on my face and body, both purple. My skin tone is pure white, yet I can still get hurt and bleed. They know that and confiscated me and my sister from a nearby church.

My sister looks a bit different from me, which they are still trying to figure that out, but still have some of the same qualities. Her skin is pure white like mine, but she has magenta and pink stripes on the sides of her face and body.

I knew they were coming to my room next. I tried to break out of the chains they put me in but failed once again. The scientists walked in and stabbed me in the arm with a needle. It hurt, but I was so used to it, I became numb to it. I only winced when he did so. He injected me with the serum. "Sarv!" I called out. I knew what they were doing. "Please let me see her one last time." I asked. He nodded at took me to her. I was feeling slightly drowsy but went through it to see her.

"Ruv! What happened?" She asked. I hugged her. "I won't get to see you much longer so I just wanted to say-" they started pulling me away. "-I love you Sarv!" I said. They pulled me out. I gave up on trying. I went unconscious.

*insert spongebob voice* A few hours later

I woke up in this strange room. I wasn't hooked up to the wall anymore and had no chains. I looked around. The room was dark so I couldn't see anything hardly. I heard a low growl come from the other side of the room. I backed against the wall. I squinted, trying to see what the growl came from. I walked a bit closer only to be growled at again.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. I only want to know what you are." I said. "Yeah, sure. I know your one of those stupid scientists!" They said. It was a male. I could tell from his voice. "What, no! I hate them. They took me away from my sister!" I said. I took it offensively. "Oh." He said.

I walked a bit closer. No growl. I walked a little closer. No growl. I continued to step closer to him slowly until I could see him clearly. I bumped into something. "Ow!" I looked up. He looked like a man, but he had a bomb for a head. "Sorry." I said plainly. He looked at me. "Who are you and why are you in here?" He asked. "I-I'm Ruv. They put me in here for something." I said. I

was intimidated by him. I was never so scared in my life. "Well shit! I know why they put you in here." He said. He sat on the ground with his hand above his head being held by the chains. I heard music start to play. I looked for the source but found none. I looked back down to the bomb headed man. He looked like he was agrivatted. "What's going on?" I asked. "They're trying to get me to have a love interest. They think that if they hurt the one I love, I will explode. They have tried every single girl in here. You are the last boy." He said. I nodded. "So if they think that you and I 'like' each other, that if they hurt me, you will explode?" I asked. He nodded.

The lights started to turn on and my eyes had gotten used to the dark so it sorta stung. I inhaled sharply and the man stood up. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded. "Just used to the dark." I said. He nodded. We heard a click on the door. "Go to the far wall, now!" He said. I ran over to it. It was a window. I realised they were whatching us the whole time. I heard a scream. I looked over to Whitty. They had injected him with something. They left me with him and in about 15 minutes he started to tell me to come over there. He was slurring it over and over again. My face heated up when he asked me to take my clothes off. That was weird. For the next hour he was like that, then he just stopped slurring.

"What was that?" I asked. "It was a serum. It makes me throw up. I can't remember me throwing up but many people have tol-" "But you didn't." I cut him off. "I didn't what?" "Throw up." It was silent for a bit. He broke the silence. "Then what did they give me?"

____________________________________Hope you guys like this! Bye pups!

《☆Runaway Expiriments☆》(Ruv x Whitty)Where stories live. Discover now