Chapter 1

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I fasten my necklace and apply some eyeshadow & mascara. Crap! I'm gonna be late! I dash out he door with my sandals half on my feet to see my mom's bark blue mini-van leaving the driveway. I get a text from my little sister, Anemone: 

     Queenemone: Sry, mom didnt want 2 wait 4 u     

     Queenemone: said u were taking 2 long

     Queenemone: u have a license, u can drive urself 

 I freeze, I haven't driven since dad died.

     Tsu_cool: nemone, u no I wont 

     Queenemone: rite, sry 4got about the 'incident'

You may be wondering what the 'incident' is.


"Alright, now turn left," Dad instructs me from the passenger seat. I currently only have my learner's permit & Dad's telling me how to drive to the store. I do as he says, turning the steering wheel  in the direction I was instructed. When we round the corner, I'm blinded by the headlights of an oncoming truck. I try to get out of the way, but it's too late, the truck hits dad's little green Jeep head-on, triggering the airbags, but the passenger airbag has been out for years, causing Dad to be hit by the onslaught of stray metal & shards of glass. 

I wake up in the hospital with Mom sitting beside me, her mascara running down her face with thick tears.

"D-dad?" I manage to speak, though my throat stings.

"H-he," mom breaks down in tears.

Anemone finishes for her: "Tsu, Dad died in the crash."

"What!?" I jump out of my hospital bed, "No! No, no, no, no!"

"I'm so sorry, Tsu. I know you & dad spent a lot of time together." My sister hasn't hugged me since she broke her arm when she was 8, but she climbs onto the cot & wraps her arms round my neck.


I sigh & call Riptide to pick me up & take me to school, wiping tears from my eyes. I miss you, Dad.


Bye until I write again my kitties!

~<3 Shady 

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