Chapter 9

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WARNING: Lots of adorable Sunsky

My sister invited her friends to the wrestling match this afternoon. She seemed really happy that the big kid --Clay??-- agreed immediately. Tsunami not only agreed to come, but also decided to sign up to wrestle. I have no doubt that she'll do well. The guy on the swim team, who I think might maybe have a crush on Tsu, agreed as soon as she did. Glory grinned & said "sure". The weird kid who follows her around everywhere said, "And I shall go wherever my queen goes." Glory rolled her eyes at that & shoved the boy's shoulder. The skinny kid who spends all day in the school library gave a distracted thumbs up. The hyper girl with purple hair nodded vigorously.

Sunny looks hesitant, though. She picks at a loose string on her tank top hem, "I... Don't really like violence much."

"But you're so good at martial arts!" Peril exclaims.

"Yeah, and it's fun, but... I don't like to start fights. Especially not for fun or others' entertainment."

"It's okay. I don't either," I smile reassuringly. Then, I get an idea & my face brightens: "Hey, I have a spot we can go instead of watching the match," my face blooms red, "If... If you want to..."

"Depends... Where is this place?"

"There's a dog kennel in the back. I like to spend time back there, instead of at the ring."

The kid who follows Glory around blanched a little bit & shuffles behind Glory a little bit, "Yeah, I'm definitely gonna go to the fight. C'mon, Glor, let's go." He wraps an arm around her shoulder & shuffles her towards the fighting ring. Glory gives him an odd look, but doesn't say anything.

She grins & starts to bounce on the balls of her feet. She looks like a kid on Christmas. It makes my heart flutter a little bit.

I grab her wrist & tug her along with me towards the back exit of the gym, "Come on! You can meet my dog, Wren!" She picks up her backpack & follows me.

We get out back, & Sunny runs over to a pen filled with dogs of all sizes, ages, & breeds. Wren sits up in the corner & trots over with the button for my name clamped securely in her jaws. "Sky. Sky. Sky. Sky. Sky."

"Awww!!" Sunny squeals, "She's so cute! And smart!!"

"Yeah, she is," I respond proudly.

Sunny hops the fence & sits cross- legged in the middle of the grass. I settle down next to her & pat Wren's head when she rests it on my leg. Sunny pulls a sandwich out of her bag & starts to eat, humming "When You Wish Upon a Star". I watch her, not really noticing the dog glaring up at me. A German Shepherd ruins the moment by sneaking up & stealing half of the blond's sandwich.

He trots over to a selkie terrier & sits beside her, eyeing us smugly. Sunny hawks at the canine. Wren levels her glare at the other dog & barks once before she loses interest & starts chewing on a toy.

Sunny stands up & strides over. The selkie yaps at her. She holds out her hand to the shepherd & says, "Drop it, Fluffy." I contain a giggle as the little brown & black terrier yaps at her again & jumps up on Sunny. Unperturbed in her quest for her lunch back, the short girl nudges the dog away, saying, "Shush it, Holler." The dog growls & walks behind the German Shepherd. Sunny crosses her arms & looks at me, "A little help here??"

I stand up & walk over to the dogs, "Leaf, give the nice girl her sandwich back." The dog growls slightly & doesn't move. "Wren." My dog walks over & growls at her brother. He puts the sandwich down & walls away with Ivy following at his heels.

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