Chapter 5: The Plan

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"I put a tracker on Robin the last time he attacked", announced Cyborg. "Where did you even find one?", Beast Boy asked confused. "The idiot forgot his gadgets", Cyborg chortled. The titans exhaled a sigh of relief. They now had higher possibilities of defeating Slade. "First, we need to find out how Robin works these thingamajigs." Cyborg picked up one Robin's futuristic weapons. With one touch, the weapon detonated, the room piled up with smoke and flame. "What the hell did you do?", Raven bawled. "I-", stuttered Cyborg. Raven shushed him with her magic and scavenged the tower looking for the emergency quarter. The emergency quarter is where the titans kept emergency tools for predicaments like this. In front of Raven stood an extra computer, 4k quality security cameras, a hidden elevator, and treacherous armaments Robin and Cyborg constructed together when Robin was a part of their team. Tears fell out of Raven's eyes, she missed Robin. She knew she loved him. Raven's thoughts ceased when she recollected that the tower went inferno. The extinguisher lay on the floor. Raven clutched it and returned to put the blaze into a halt.  Starfire coughed in the smoke. "That scent is much unpleasant!", Starfire whined. "How about I test in the field?", Cyborg suggested. Raven followed the cyborg out the door. "While they are at it, we can plan", said Beast Boy. Starfire nodded in agreement. "I will call dear friend, Emma for assistance", informed Starfire. She flew over to the computer and activated the calling system. Emma's face appeared on the screen. "Hi friend!", Star greeted. "Hello, Starfire, why you call? Did you retrieve Robin?", questioned Emma. "No, no, we are planning a way though." "And you were wondering if I could assist, I'll be there in five." Five minutes passed and Emma was standing behind the door, deep chestnut hair brushed superbly, not a strand out of place, cherry lipstick put on so delicately, no marks on her face, and a ranger morph on her wrist. "On the drive with Gia, I concocted several ideas for the plan.", Emma proclaimed. The two titans puffed, was this a fashion show? Beast Boy took the fact off his mind. "We'll all share our ideas." Starfire opened her mouth to speak. "When, if Cyborg works Robin's weapons, we use them against him." "We need more to the plan, we can start by spying on Robin", Beast Boy recommended. Emma scoffed, "None of your ideas will work!" "Like you can do better", eyes rolled on Beast Boy's face. " I can. We can combine your thoughts. We will spy on Robin, learn Slade's motives and when Robin attacks, we all are prepared. We bring him down, then the master Slade.", declared Emma. Beast Boy stood in awe. A normal girl, well not really normal as Emma was a power ranger made a better plan than a gorgeous goblin! "That will most definitely work!", Starfire congratulated Emma for coming up with such a detailed plan. Cyborg burst into the titan headquarters; a wide smile plastered on his face it was almost as if his face would fissure. His suit was a bit rusted on the bottom and Raven's cloak was stiffened. It looked like there were a few flaws in operating Robin's technology. "I know how to work the tech, I am the most intelligent titan!", Cyborg blustered. "Sure, like I didn't help you", steamed Raven. "You guys accomplished that, but we managed to make a plan!" "That's great!", exclaimed Cyborg. "Let's practice and get ready for-", he was cut off by the brash crime alert that rang gaudily throughout the tower. "Ugh, Robin just HAD to choose this time to commit crimes, we did not even set up out master plan.", grumbled Raven. "Never say never, Raven!", comforted Emma with a bright face. Emma believed they will find a way to fulfill their scheme. 

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