The Silent Treatment

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Any hate against gays or lesbians will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with these people, I, and many others I'm sure, don't want to hear it. #Don'tHate


I sat up against the door of my apartment, the sun rays coming from the sliding glass door that lead out to my balcony. I'd used almost half a tissue box and all the used ones were sprawled out on the floor around me. This could not be happening, Cameron and I had been best friends for as long as I can remember, life without him wouldn't be life at all.... Even if he had liked me for a while, why choose now to bring it up? I stretched out my arms and yawned a little. How long had I been sitting here? My butt was numb, that was for sure. My eyes drifted over to my clock, 7:49pm. What? That can't be right, I had been sitting there for almost 3 hours? I groaned and went to hop on my bed. One thing was for certain, I was going to bed early.


Not more than 10 minutes later I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I lazily sat up and answered it.

"Hello?" I yawned, still half asleep. Hey, I was a heavy sleeper.

"Delilah? Oh thank goodness! I need your help." the voice on the other end chimed.

"Sure Bea, what's up?" I asked, stretching my arms.

"Bella's leaving, back to New York, for a few days to visit her grandmother, her grandfather just died." Beatrice stated sadly.

Belladonna, or 'Bella' as most of us called her, was Beatrice's girlfriend. We all love Bella, but I think she's a little too used to getting what she wants all the time.

"Okay, well," I thought of something to say without sounding rude. "What's the problem?" Yup, I blew it. I heard Beatrice sigh on the other end.

"She wants me to come, but I have that meeting with Shae DeLouvar!" she cried, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh! Right, sorry I'm still half asleep -" I muttered, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, then you can go sleep, I'll call back later." she said, and before I could say any more she hung up the phone. Dammit Bea, why are you so nice?

I knew if I didn't sleep, Beatrice would come knocking on my door or making Cameron check on me to make sure I was. So, I did the right thing and went back to sleep. It was the right thing, right?

Falling asleep was much easier this time, because instead of thinking about Cameron and I, I was thinking about Bea and Bella.


Walking down the hallways at 7:35am to get the mail was normal. Seeing Cameron and not making eye contact, or waving at him, was not.

We lived in the apartment-like building for teens. On the bottom floor was a small coffee shop, where all the students got their morning coffee before heading next door to Sunset Academy. Across from the coffee shop was a giant living room, with couches and bookshelves, and even vending machines. That would be where the students went to study. As you moved higher through the building, there were spiral staircases and elevators to reach higher points. The building was in the shape of a cylinder, with about ten apartments and two elevators on each floor. Each apartment included a bathroom, kitchen, living room, and bedroom. If you were lucky, you'd get a balcony like Cameron and I. We lived on the 7th floor up, right next to each other. Next to us lived our neighbors Lee and Ethan; both insanely flirty, and with me toward the middle, well you can expect some morning entertainment.

I took the elevator back up to my apartment with a stack of letters in my hand. I glanced up to see what floor we were on, not noticing Lee until he tapped on my shoulder lightly.

"Hey cutie." he smiled, Ethan laughing behind him.

"Not in the mood Lee." I rolled my eyes, turning back to the doors.

"Aww come on sweetie, we just wanna have a little fun," winked Ethan, pulling a strand of my tousled brown hair back.

"Don't touch me." I growled, keeping my head up.

"Yeah, only I can touch her." Lee chuckled, putting a hand on my shoulder.


The elevator doors glided open, revealing floor three. An elderly couple, along with Cameron and a teenage girl walked in.

Seeing Cameron, I stiffened, keeping my eyes locked on the button pad. I tried to shrug Lee's hand off my shoulder, when I noticed Ethan had walked over to the girl.

"Hi." he grinned. "I'm Ethan, but you can call me anytime." he winked, handing her a slip of paper with his phone number on it.

That's genius I thought sarcastically. The girl gave him an odd look.

"Hello, I'm Opal, and don't worry, I won't." she grinned, ripping up the piece of paper and tossing it in Ethan's face. I chuckled from the corner, pushing Lee's hand off my shoulder

"Smart girl," I smiled, walking over to her, "I'm Delilah."

she grinned. "Opal, what floor?"

"Seven." I nodded. "You?"

"Same, what floor are they on?" she asked, raising her eyebrows up at Ethan and Lee.

"Sadly, the same one." I sighed.

"That's okay," she laughed, pushing her strawberry blonde hair back. "We can deal with 'em." I sensed Cameron's eyes burning into the back of my head, yet he kept his cool and we all filed out of the elevator, leaving the elderly couple in there with confused expressions.

Lee and Ethan walked back to their apartments, Lee still teasing Ethan about him and Opal's recent experience in the elevator. Opal and I exchanged numbers and she went back to her apartment. I didn't notice Cameron until I turned around and saw the sorry, hurt look on his face.
"Cake, I'm so sorry, please-" he started.
"It's fine Cam," I cut him off. "I get it." I shook my head, opening my door and leaving him in the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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